These terms apply in addition to our general Terms of Service.


The New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act of 1993 (the “Act”) may apply to our Terms of Service for players in New Zealand. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in our Terms of Service, if the Act applies then you may have other rights and remedies as set out in the Act which may apply in addition to or instead of those set out in our Terms of Service.


Applicable Consumer Laws

The Australian Consumer Law (“ACL”) may apply to the Terms of Service for players in Australia. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in our Terms of Service, if the ACL applies then you may have other rights or remedies as set out in the ACL which may apply in addition to or instead of those set out in our Terms of Service.

For example, for players in Australia, our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the ACL. Nothing in the Terms of Service is intended to affect those rights. For major failures with any service, you are entitled:

  • to cancel your service contract with us; and
  • to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.

You are entitled to choose a refund or replacement for major failures with goods.

If a failure with the goods or a service does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have the failure rectified in a reasonable time. If this is not done, you are entitled to a refund for the goods and to cancel your contract for the service and obtain a refund for the unused portion of the contract. If the ACL applies to you, you may contact us regarding refund inquiries at 

You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage from a failure in the goods or service.

Additional Terms

If you are using the Riot Services in Australia, the following additional terms apply in relation to your use of the Riot Services in Australia and replace the corresponding term in the Terms of Service: 

Account Termination (Clause 2.1.2): We may terminate or suspend your account without notice to you for reasons that are reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate interests, including if we reasonably determine that:

  1. you have breached any part of these Terms (including the User Rules);
  2. doing so would be in the best interests of our community or the Riot Services or is required for upholding a third party’s rights;
  3. we have stopped offering the Riot Services in your region (though we’ll provide users with advance notice of at least 60 days on our website, app or game in circumstances where we plan to stop offering a material core feature of a game or all of the Riot Services in your region);
  4. you have failed to pay any fee you owe us (except in cases of our gross negligence or wilful misconduct) or we have to refund someone due to unauthorised use of a payment made from your account; or
  5. you have (or we have reasonable grounds for suspecting that you have) made unauthorised use of someone else’s payment info.

We can make such determination, with the assistance of automated systems and machine learning tools or by using other methods that we think are appropriate. If you think that we have made a mistake, please Contact Us with details and we will review your case, though we may suspend your account during our review. You can also challenge our determinations (see Section 16).

Account Termination (Clause 2.2): If you do not use your account for a prolonged period of time, we reserve the right to take measures against your account for reasons that are reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate interests, including suspension or termination. If we plan to take measures against your account based on prolonged period of inactivity, we will let you know first (e.g. by email to the email address registered to your account) and give you at least 60 days’ notice to avoid such measures (e.g. deletion of your account). 

Virtual Goods, Game Currency and Purchases (Clause 4.4): 

When you obtain Virtual Content from us, what we are actually giving you is a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, revocable, limited right and licence to use that Virtual Content only in connection with your use of the applicable Riot Services.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other property interest in your account, and that all rights in and to your account are and shall forever be owned by and inure to the benefit of Riot Games. You further acknowledge and agree that you have no title, ownership or other proprietary interest in any Virtual Content, regardless of any consideration offered or paid in exchange. Furthermore, except (1) in cases of wilful misconduct, gross negligence or due to the fault of, or a breach of these Terms by, by Riot Games (2) to the extent these Terms say otherwise or (3) as required by applicable law, Riot Games shall not be liable in any manner for the destruction, deletion, modification, impairment, hacking or any other damage or loss of any kind caused to Virtual Content, including the deletion of Virtual Content upon the termination or expiration of your account of our reasonable changes to the Riot Services. 

Virtual Goods, Game Currency and Purchases (Clause 4.5): In an effort to constantly improve the Riot Services, evolve our games and keep the Riot Services, safe, fun, and secure, we have the right to delete, alter, move, remove, re-package, re-price, or transfer any and all Game Content, including Virtual Content, in whole or in part, at any time, to the extent permitted by law. For example, your Virtual Goods may (and likely will) evolve over time to improve the Riot Services (including for reasons of game balance, bug fixing, or graphical improvements) or for regulatory or legal reasons. If we decide to entirely retire certain Virtual Goods that you recently purchased, we will provide you with a refund or replacement. We won’t delete your Game Currency without notice (such as through posts on our website, app or game), unless your account is terminated by us for a legitimate reason or by you under Section 2.1.1. We may sometimes change the purchasing power of Game Currency (for example, we might increase the number of Game Currency needed to purchase Virtual Goods, such as skins). We normally only do this in incremental steps but we’ll give you notice (such as through posts on our website, app or game) if we plan to make changes that will significantly impact your Game Currency in a negative way.  We will provide users with as much notice as reasonably practicable in advance of any changes made by us under this clause 4.5 that are likely to have a significant impact on their use of the Riot Services. If you do not agree to the relevant changes, you may terminate or suspend your account in accordance with clause 2.1.1 of these Terms. We don’t provide or guarantee, and expressly disclaim, any value, cash or otherwise, attributed to any data residing on servers we operate or control, including any Game Content or Virtual Content attributed to your account. If we allow you to sell or transfer your right to access certain Game Content or Virtual Content, it may only be conducted via services approved or provided by us, if any.

Fees and Taxes (Clause 5.1): Some aspects of the Riot Services may require you to pay a fee, and you agree that you’ll provide accurate and complete payment info to us or the third-party payment provider used by us. You further agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred on your account. We may revise the pricing for any part of the Riot Services at any time (with future effect, i.e., with the exception of those which you have already purchased). This can impact on the purchasing power of your Game Currency, though we normally only do this in incremental steps. All fees and charges are payable in accordance with payment terms in effect at the time the fee or the charge becomes due and payable. We may, from time to time, modify, amend, or supplement our fees and fee-billing methods with future effect, and such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting in these Terms or elsewhere on our websites, apps or in our games. We will provide users with as much notice as reasonably practicable in advance of any changes made by us under clause 5.1 that are likely to have a significant impact on their use of the Riot Services. If you do not agree to the relevant changes, you may terminate or suspend your account in accordance with clause 2.1.1 of these Terms. Except in cases of our gross negligence, wilful misconduct or where due to the fault of, or a breach of these Terms by, Riot Games, if you fail to pay any fees you owe to us or we have to refund someone due to unauthorized use of a payment made from your account, we may suspend or terminate your account. See Section 2 (Account Termination) for more info.

Subject to applicable law, any applicable fees and other charges for fee-based services (including Game Currency) are payable in advance and aren’t refundable in whole or in part except as expressly provided in these Terms or our refund policy. Except in cases of Riot’s gross negligence, wilful misconduct or where due to the fault or, a breach of these Terms by, Riot Games or to the extent these Terms say otherwise, you’re responsible for all losses and charges on your account resulting from sharing your Login Credentials or for having failed to keep your account or Login Credentials secure.

Fees and Taxes (Clause 5.2): You’re solely responsible for paying any applicable taxes related to acquiring, using, or accessing Game Currency. Game Currency may be sold or issued by us in bundles and the price may vary depending on the amount you purchase and where you’re purchasing. As we feel it necessary, in our reasonable discretion (or as prescribed by law), we may limit the total amount of Game Currency that may be purchased for any one game or that may be held in your account in the aggregate. Additionally, price and availability of Game Currency and Virtual Goods are subject to change with future effect. We may restrict how much Game Currency you can purchase and/or use based on your location as we have different approaches in different locations. We will provide users with as much notice as reasonably practicable in advance of any changes made by us under clause 5.2 that are likely to have a significant impact on their use of the Riot Services. If you do not agree to the relevant changes, you may terminate or suspend your account in accordance with clause 2.1.1 of these Terms.

You should verify that the proper amount of Game Currency has been added to or deducted from your account during any given transaction. Please notify us immediately if you believe that a mistake has been made with respect to your Game Currency balance. We’ll investigate your claim, and in doing so, may request some additional info to verify it.