the Magical Cat

A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra's sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her. Yearning for affection, Yuumi seeks friendly companions to partner with on her journey, protecting them with luminous shields and fierce resolve. While Book strives to keep her on task, Yuumi is often drawn to worldly comforts, such as naps and fish. In the end, however, she always returns to her quest to find her friend.


Support / Mage




Feline Friendship
Periodically, when Yuumi strikes a champion with an attack or ability, she restores health to herself and the next ally she Attaches to. While Attached, Yuumi generates a special bond with her allies. The ally with the strongest bond enhances Yuumi's abilities while she is Attached to them.