
First Stand Tournament Ticket Sales
Tickets will go on sale beginning February 10.
Game Updates
The Sad Mummies Chibi Champion Showcase
Will you be their friend? Chibi Amumu & Chibi Surprise Party Amumu arrive in Patch TFT13.5!
Game Updates
Teamfight Tactics patch 13.5 notes (2025)
Patch 13.5 brings changes to Opening Encounter frequency, the removal of Chem-Baron Emblems (and with it a small rejiggering of the trait), and a few balance changes to round things out.
Game Updates
Patch 2025.S1.3 Notes
Time to feast on Patch 25.S1.3.
Skins 101
A refresher on skin acquisition for newer players or those that have come back after a break.
Game Updates
Dark Cosmic Jhin Unbound Tactician Showcase
His planetary performance comes to Treasure Realms and the Rotating Shop starting in patch TFT13.4.
Into the Arcane Tactician’s Crown Announcement
Details on event dates, format, prize pool, and more.
Game Updates
The Starry-Eyed Songstresses Chibi Champion Showcase
Put your hands up for Chibi Seraphine & Chibi K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine as they take the stage in Patch TFT13.4!
University League of Legends returns in 2025!
Looking for a way to meet students to play with? Join your local university gaming societies!
Game Updates
Prestige Porcelain Ezreal Chibi Champion Showcase
Who’s got the coolest cat ears in the Convergence? This guy! Chibi Prestige Porcelain Ezreal is now styling on opponents in TFT.
Mel Champion Theme
The sound of unwavering conviction. Listen to the bold new theme for Mel, the Soul’s Reflection.
2025 EMEA Masters Format Explainer
Here’s all you need to know about this year’s three unique EMEA Masters formats and how seeds will be handed out for each region.