Empyrean Games: Arena Challenge for Creators
Watch. Cheer. Win!
With the return of Arena, we are kicking off the Empyrean Games - a dynamic creator-exclusive challenge rolling out across the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region. By supporting your favourite creators, whether in chat or being their duo, you stand the chance to win Empyrean skins, Champion statues, plushes, chests and more.
Performance in the challenge can be tracked via our new platform, FTW (For The Win), where you’ll find real-time leaderboards, leaderboard filtering by country, and more. Only invited creators will be able to take part in Empyrean Games, but the platform will be open for anyone to view and follow along.
Interesting, tell me more…
Empyrean Games will start on Tuesday 21st May and last for three weeks until Monday 10th June, featuring over 100 of EMEA’s top League content creators. New names are being added every day, but you can expect to see the following familiar faces taking part:

OK, but what’s the challenge?
Empyrean Games consists of multiple objectives within the overall challenge, each with their own distinct leaderboards and rewards for creators to win and distribute to their communities. So keep your eyes peeled on FTW, support your creators and plead with them for prizes when they win.
Event Objectives
These are the big ones. Lasting the full length of the event (three weeks), allowing for plenty of upset and leaderboard shuffles as our creators gladiators master the Arena. The Event Objectives and rewards are:
So Popular
Highest Number of Games Played with unique human duos - encouraging creators to team up with as many individual players as possible.
1st Place: Lucian Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ
2nd Place: Poro Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ
3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ
Faker Who?
Highest Average KDA, minimum 20 Games Played. Play smarter, not harder.
1st Place: Championship Leblanc Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ
2nd Place: Poggles Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ
3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ
Champion Ocean
Highest Number of Unique Champions Played. In the event of a tie, highest average KDA will be used to determine the winner.
1st Place: Seraphine Unlocked, 6x Empyrean skins + champ
2nd Place: Plush Hat Tibbers, 4x Empyrean skins + champ
3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ
Much Grind
Highest Number of Games Played.
1st Place: Yone Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ
2nd Place: Gromp Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ
3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ
Glorious Evolution
Highest Number of unique Augments Used. In the event of a tie, highest average KDA will be used to determine the winner.
1st Place: Caitlyn Unlocked, 6x Empyrean skins + champ
2nd Place: Baron Nashor Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ
3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ
Ongoing Objective (aka Hextech Heist!)
EVERY creator taking part in the challenge can earn up to 50 Hextech Chests + Keys to give away while the challenge is live. All they have to do is earn points by playing Arena and follow some rogue duo comps that we’ve made up. There are even more rewards for the top three creators by points at the end of the challenge.
+1pt Finish a game
+1pt Finish in Top 4
+1pt Play with a Featured Champion Duo (earned only once per Duo)
+2pts Win a game
1st Place: Sett Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ
2nd Place: 2x Pins set of choice, 4x Empyrean skins + champ
3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ
50pts = 10x Hextech Chests + Keys
100pts = 15x Hextech Chests + Keys
150pts = 25x Hextech Chests + Keys
Daily Objectives
Last but not least, Empyrean Games will have a fresh leaderboard every day with a unique objective focused on a specific Champion, Augment or in-game statistic (e.g. Healing, Gold Earned). Rewards will be available for the top three creators, with each Daily Objective ending/starting at 04:00 UTC.
Here’s what you can expect in the first few days, but check in regularly with FTW to discover the rest:
21st May: Highest Critical Strike in a single game using Caitlyn
22nd May: Highest Healing Done in a single game using Soraka
23rd May: Highest Damage Taken in a single game as Swain
24th May: Highest Damage Done To Champions in a single game using Slowcooker Augment
Still here?
Tag along with your favourite creators as they grind their way through Arena’s unpredictable chaos, and maybe even discover new creators along the way.
Stay tuned for regular updates on leaderboard standings and more on Local League social media accounts as the challenge kicks off. GLHF!