One League // Kyle Powell

We’ve met with Kyle at MSI 2023, where he shared more with us about his attachment to League and the special moments it has created in his life.

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“There's nothing quite like going to a League of Legends event. If you haven't been to one, you have to, you're missing out. Everyone's just enjoying the game and just chanting for their teams. The one thing I always find really cool is how the fan bases come in huge and loud. You see the Brazilians in force with their green face paint and their Brazil T-shirts and stuff like that. It’s always really fun to see the Southeast Asian fans as well cheering on their teams, they're always the loudest!

I've made some of my closest friends through League of Legends. The guys that I'm here with today, I wouldn't have known without League. I was actually best man at one of my friends’ weddings because I met him playing League of Legends. The community is so diverse. You can see people of all ages playing, and you see people bringing their children that are nine or ten years old just enjoying the crowd, and the parents get involved as well. You see the pro players’ families always coming to support them even if they might not have a clue what's going on! It's nice to see everyone just joining in, and it gets you out of the house as well, and you get to experience it together as a whole.”

Name: Kyle Powell

Hometown: London, UK


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