Eternals Series 2 Launch

We're releasing a new wave of Eternals!

We're releasing a new wave of Eternals on November 17, 21:00 GMT! Eternals Series 2 includes three new Unique Eternals for each champion. Unlock an individual champion's Series 2 Eternals for 600 RP, or pick up the Series 2 Pass for 6400 RP. The Pass instantly unlocks every Series 2 Eternal for all current champions, and automatically unlocks Series 2 Eternals for all future champion releases for free.

With the release of Series 2, Champion Mastery emotes have the potential to gain a third chevron at 15 total Series 2 Milestones passed for that champion. We've also adjusted Milestone requirements for all Eternals— including Starter Series and Series 1—so you reach Milestone 5 and unlock 'Personal Best' scores faster. This applies retroactively!

When Eternals Series 2 launches on November 17, 21:00 GMT, the Eternals Series 1 Pass will be on 60% discount for 2 weeks for 2340 RP, ending on December 1, 21:00 GMT. The Starter Series Pass will be on 60% RP discount for 540 RP for the same duration.

In three months on February 16, 21:00 GMT, the Eternals Series 2 Pass will go on a 30% post-launch sale for 4480 RP, ending on March 2, 21:00 GMT.

For more information on Eternals, head to our FAQ page.