Patch 14.15 Notes
It’s time for another patch, this time we’re bringing you Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, Arena, AND Swarm changes! You could say we were… swarmed... with changes. We’ve got a ton of new Augments and items for Arena, alongside some changes to the Koi Pond. Over in ARAM-land we have a handful of champion balancing changes. With the shiny new Swam mode we have a bunch of buffs to bring up some champions up to the level of OP we’re seeing with nobody in particular… totally not looking at you Riven.
The live balance updates this patch have a few broad categories: First, we’re taking a pass on several mid laners who we think should have strong laning phases but currently don’t. In most cases, we’re trying to preserve their overall power level but reshape it a bit. Second, we’re shifting the power levels of AD and AP itemization, with nerfs to Kraken Slayer, Statikk Shiv, and Last Whisper’s crit upgrades, plus buffs to Stormsurge, Cosmic Drive, Rocketbelt, Void Staff, and Abyssal Mask. Third, we’re nerfing most tier-two boots upgrades by 10-20% to make them no longer the optimal item to rush in most lanes.
TFT patch notes here!

Patch Highlights
Mid-Patch Updates
8/2/2024 Aurora Micropatch
- Base Armor: 27 ⇒ 23
- Passive Percent Health Damage: 4% (+1.5% per 100 AP) ⇒ 2.5% (+1.5% per 100 AP)
- Q Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 ⇒ 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
- Q Recast Reduced Damage to Minions: 50% ⇒ 75% reduced damage
Updates to Ranked Restrictions
We are testing a change to ranked restrictions on the KR server only. From 14.15 onwards, Ranked restricted players are required to win three games rather than complete five games to recover access to Ranked queue.

W cooldown reduced at higher ranks. R damage increased and cooldown increased at lower rank.
Akali should be more powerful early when trying to dominate her lane opponent instead of waiting to scale. And once she does scale, we’d like if she was less reliant on her ultimate for succeeding in combat. Making her first ult more lethal should make her a better laner, whereas her late game ult base damage decrease somewhat pays for Twilight Shroud’s improved cooldown.
W - Twilight Shroud
- Cooldown: 20 ⇒ 20/19/18/17/16
R - Perfect Execution
- Initial Damage: 80/220/360 (+30% AP) (+50% Bonus AD) ⇒ 110/220/330 (+30% AP) (+50% Bonus AD)
- Second Cast Minimum Damage: 60/130/200 (+30% AP) ⇒ 70/140/210 (+30% AP)
- Second Cast Maximum Damage: 180/390/600 (+90% AP) ⇒ 210/420/630 (+90% AP)
- Cooldown: 100/80/60 ⇒ 120/90/60

Passive movement speed decreased and spirit bonus formula changed. Q recast delay decreased. W cooldown increased and invis break timing adjusted. E dash speed decreased. R damage decreased.
We’re doing customary first-patch follow up on League’s newest champion, adding some quality-of-life to make the newest member of Anima Squad even smoother to play. Alongside these quality-of-life changes, we’ve also noticed she’s a bit overpowered, especially in higher-level play, so we’re bringing down some of her more elite-skewed strengths.
Passive - Spirit Abjuration
- Base Movement Speed: 5 (+0.25% per level) ⇒ 5 (+0.2% per level)
- Bonus Movement Speed per spirit: 5% ⇒ 2% (+.015% AP)
Q - Twofold Hex
- Recast Cooldown: 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.1 seconds
- Q2 can no longer miss its original target
W - Across the Veil
- Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 ⇒ 22/21/20/19/18
- Invisibility breaking on auto attacks will now happen on launch of auto attack instead of pre-attack
E - The Weirding
- Dash Speed: 800 speed ⇒ 150+2x move speed
R - Between Worlds
- Damage: 250/375/500 (+65% AP) ⇒ 200/325/450 (+60% AP)

Aurelion Sol
Q mana cost increased. W range reduced at higher ranks. E mana cost increased.
Aurelion Sol’s changes last patch ended up making him stronger than we wanted to, so we’re addressing that boost in power with some direct nerfs that ensure he doesn’t spike too hard too quickly, relying on stacking under duress to reach his maximal star dragon heights.
Q - Breath of Light
- Cost per Second: 30/35/40/45/50 ⇒ 35/40/45/50/55
W - Astral Flight
- Range: 1500/1600/1700/1800/1900 ⇒ 1500
E - Singularity
- Mana Cost: 80 ⇒ 90

Base Mana increased and mana growth decreased. Q mana cost reduced at higher ranks and damage reduced. W mana cost decreased. E mana cost decreased and damage decreased.
Cassiopeia has had a very poor laning phase where she can only afford to interact with minions for a while now, waiting for a long time until she scales up and has the mana pool to finally fight. Despite those weaknesses, she’s still holding her own. This patch we’re giving her the space to interact with her opponents more in lane but taking down some of that eventual late-game damage since her road there is much smoother.
- Base Stats
- Mana: 350 ⇒ 400
- Mana Growth: 60 ⇒ 40
Q - Noxious Blast
- Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70
- Damage: 75/110/145/180/215 (+90% AP) ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP)
W - Miasma
- Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 ⇒ 70/75/80/85/90
E - Twin Fang
- Mana Cost: 50/48/46/44/42 ⇒ 40
- Poisoned Bonus Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+60% AP) ⇒ 20/40/60/80/100 (+55% AP)

Q damage decreased.
We’re walking back on our recent increase to Ezreal’s Q AD ratio while keeping the other buffs from that patch since he’s currently too strong of a pick in both Pro play and Solo Queue and will indirectly benefit from some of the other item nerfs in this patch.
Q - Mystic Shot
- Physical Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+140% AD) (+15% AP) ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120 (+130% AD) (+15% AP)

Base Health increased and Health growth decreased.
Irelia’s early game has two small issues: First, she has too little control over winning and losing her matchups, and second her overall sustain is so high that it’s often too hard to interact with her as the opponent. This patch we’re trying to make Irelia’s laning phase more dynamic: She can be poked out more reliably but she has more up-front power in order to win the fights that she takes.
- Base Stats
- Health Regen: 8.5 ⇒ 6
- Health: 590 ⇒ 630

Passive damage decreased. W damage decreased.
Leona is performing well in Solo Queue and is the highest presence support in Pro so we’re nerfing her. We’d like to keep her durability intact but we’re reducing her kill threat due to how strong Sudden Impact and Bloodsong are on her.
Passive - Sunlight
- Magic Damage: 32-168 ⇒ 32-151
W - Eclipse
- Magic Damage: 55/90/125/160/195 (+40% AP) ⇒ 55/85/115/145/175 (+40% AP)

E damage increased.
Shyvana players have cooked and found themselves an incredibly scrumptious build with Spear of Shojin and Liandry’s Torment. We respect the genius, but she’s just winning too many games now. She only needs a fairly light tap, as she’s one of the easier champions to play and so a balanced Shyvana should have a win rate above 50% for most players. We’re functionally bringing down some of Shyvana’s base damages by converting from total AD ratios to bonus AD ratios and buffing them, which should weaken her current high-AP builds but bring up the power of AD Shyvana, who’s currently pretty unplayed.
E - Flame Breath
- Base Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% Total AD) (+90% AP) ⇒ 85/125/165/205/245 (+50% Bonus AD) (+80% AP)
- R-Empowered Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+75-135 based on level) (+70% Total AD) (+120% AP) ⇒ 85/125/165/205/245 (+75-135 based on level) (+100% Total AD) (+100% AP)
- R-Empowered Damage-over-Time: 30-60 based on level (+5% Total AD) (+10% AP) ⇒ 30-60 based on level (+15% Bonus AD) (+10% AP)
- Bugfix: Damage over time no longer states that it deals 12% more damage than it really does

Base health growth increased. Q Mana Cost decreased. E no longer grabs targets behind Skarner.
After our last round of nerfs to Skarner, he’s landed in a spot where he’s moderately too weak. However, he’s also got a gameplay flaw where casting E backwards can instantly snatch up an enemy and teleport them into his claws... pincers? We’d like to buff Skarner and remove his E-sec interaction at the same time with the hope of ensuring he’s still a tanky tank and has the tools to play out early fights as well.
- Base Stats
- Health Growth: 105 ⇒ 110
Q - Upheaval
- Mana Cost: 50 ⇒ 45
- The first attack after casting the spell should come out more quickly and smoothly without player intervention
E - Ixtal’s Impact
- NEW: Can no longer grab units behind him

Base Armor increased. Q cooldown and explosion damage decreased. W heal ratio changed, and damage decreased. E damage decreased.
We’re adjusting Sylas to function more like a skirmisher and less like an AP assassin. To that end, we’re lowering AP ratios while preserving base damages and lowering cooldowns, all of which pushes Sylas toward repeated casts (valuing Ability Haste and durability overall) instead of maximizing AP per slot. On top of that, we’re adding a bonus health ratio to W to further push him back to the HP-AP items he used to enjoy back when Mythics were a thing. Ideally, Sylas should be extremely good in smaller-numbered fights as his healing should make him scary in skirmishes, while his ult stealing should be what allows him to teamfight successfully.
- Base Stats
- Armor: 27 ⇒ 29
Q - Chain Lash
- Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6
- Explosion Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 (+90% AP) ⇒ 60/115/170/225/280 (+80% AP)
W - Kingslayer
- Heal: 20/40/60/80/100 (+35% AP) ⇒ 20/60/80/100 (+20% AP) (+5% Bonus Health)
- Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+80% AP) ⇒ 65/100/135/170/205 (+70% AP)
E - Abscond/Abduct
- Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+100% AP) ⇒ 80/130/180/230/280 (+80% AP)

Q dash now lands closer to target.
Talon is slightly weaker than he should be and he’s got a frustration-point where his spells can sometimes betray him. We’re buffing his Q to dash toward his opponent in almost all cases to help him get that follow-up basic attack.
Q - Noxian Diplomacy
- Short-range casts now dash to within 150 units of his target

Base AD increased. Passive Attack Speed bonuses increased. W on-hit damage decreased.
We adjusted Varus a couple patches ago with the goal of making him more balanceable for most players without dominating Pro play. We’re pretty confident in the direction right now but he’s now in a state where he’s a little too weak for regular players and his optimizations are unintuitive. We’re bringing down the value of maxing W first and putting that power back into places we took away, namely base AD and his passive. We’re further buffing his champion takedown passive to ensure he thrives in high-kill environments.
- Base Stats
- Attack Damage: 57 ⇒ 59
Passive - Living Vengeance
- Minion Kill Attack Speed: 10% ⇒ 10/15/20% (at level 1/7/13)
- Champion Takedown: 40% Attack Speed and 15% Attack Speed as Attack Damage ⇒ 50% Attack Speed and 25% Attack Speed as Attack Damage and Ability Power
- Champion Takedown AS cap: 2.763 ⇒ 3.0
W - Blighted Quiver
- On-hit Damage: 7/14/21/28/35 ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25

Base armor increased. E damage increased.
Yasuo’s early game should be much more active than current and he should be able to rely on short trades around his E to get an edge in the early game. As Yasuo’s currently weaker than he ought to be, these are strict buffs to the OG wind samurai.
- Base Stats
- Armor: 30 ⇒ 32
E - Sweeping Blade
- Damage: 60/70/80/90/100 (+20% Bonus AD) ⇒ 70/85/100/115/130 (+20% Bonus AD)
- Bonus Damage Per Stack: 15-25% (60-100% max) ⇒ 25% (100% max)
- Rune Recommendations: Top and mid lane recommended runes have been updated

Q damage increased. R cooldown increased at higher ranks.
Yone is currently one of the weakest early laners in mid with a really dominant late-game and we’d like to flatten out that power curve slightly. We’re increasing his Q lethality in lane and bringing down his target access late-game as compensation.
Q - Mortal Steel
- Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+105% Total AD) ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120 (+105% Total AD)
R - Fate Sealed
- Cooldown: 120/90/60 ⇒ 120/100/80

Q AD ratio decreased and damage increased at higher ranks. R cooldown increased.
Last patch’s Zed buffs gave him the power level we wanted but we want to further adjust his power curve. We’d like if his strengths were expressed more in lane dominance and less about being a late game scaler. As a stretch goal, it’d also be cool to see him in Pro. So we’re adjusting his Q to be stronger for the early and mid game and slightly bringing down his R frequency to bring down his late game power in his typical normal and Ranked games.
Q - Razor Shuriken
- Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 (+110% Bonus AD) ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 (+100% Bonus AD)
R - Death Mark
- Cooldown: 120/100/80 ⇒ 120/110/100

Death’s Dance
Death's Dance is more uncommon than we think is ideal, especially in a meta where high AD compositions are powerful, so we're buffing its armor to solidify its place as an answer to those compositions.
- Armor: 40 ⇒ 50

Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer was retooled to be an early game gambit: If ADCs wanted to skip out on crit chance and lower their three-item DPS, they could pick up Kraken instead for some early priority. Turns out the opportunity cost of skipping Kraken is too high and it’s too strong for these champions. We’re lowering Kraken’s damage for ranged users specifically and reducing the degree to which they can permanently keep melee champions at harpoon’s reach.
- Move Speed: 7% ⇒ 5%
- Bring it Down: 140-310 ⇒ 80% effectiveness for ranged champions (112-248)

Lord Dominik’s Regards
When we adjusted LDR in the mid-year patch, we pushed the armor penetration high enough that it was no longer enough of a penalty to stack physical damage ADCs on a team, so we’re walking its armor penetration back to its pre-patch value, which should still make it clearly good when the situation calls for it but also bringing down the cap on pure physical damage teams. Meanwhile, Mortal Reminder was made strictly more powerful by gaining 5% crit chance, so we’re dropping 5 AD (everyone’s favorite nerf).
- Armor Penetration: 40% ⇒ 35%

Statikk Shiv
Statikk Shiv is stronger than people give it credit for. While it’s a common purchase on Zeri, Kai’Sa, and Sivir, it’s growing in popularity (and very good) on Jhin and Ashe as well. Since we’re nerfing its direct competition in Kraken Slayer, we’re delivering a slightly smaller tap to Shiv as well. As with Kraken, we’re keeping the bonus move speed but lowering it to help melee champions chase down their prey.
- Move Speed: 7% ⇒ 5%
- Total Gold Cost: 2800 ⇒ 2900

Stormsurge is quite a bit less popular than Shadowflame and we think it should see more play. To make its purpose more distinct, we’re increasing Stormraider’s bonus movement speed to encourage more playmaking. We’re also softening Squall’s nerf for ranged users to make it more appealing to them.
- Stormraider Bonus MS: 25% for 2 seconds ⇒ 35% for 2 seconds
- Squall Ranged Modifier: 75% ⇒ 90%

Cosmic Drive
We’re buffing several AP items this patch, starting with Cosmic Drive. In general, we identified AP items that we thought had a clear purpose but weren’t strong enough to pull the attention of enough champions, so by giving them some direct buffs, we hope to boost the power of AP champions in general and enrich their decision making.
Cosmic Drive currently has very few excited users, which is too bad, since it should be a really solid Ability Haste choice for AP champions who want durability. To help it stand out from other choices, we’re bringing up that durability to more clearly signal its best champions. We’re also slightly buffing the move speed and cleaning up the scaling, since no one can get a Cosmic Drive at level 1 outside of Practice Tool.
- Health: 250 ⇒ 350
- Spelldance Move Speed: 25-60 (level 1-18) ⇒ 40-60 (level 8-18)

Hextech Rocketbelt
Rocketbelt isn’t appealing to enough champions right now and for an item that says, “Go dive directly into the enemy team,” we think the stat line should support that play style better.
- Health: 300 ⇒ 400

Void Staff
We buffed Void Staff a little bit ago and we’d like to go a bit harder to ensure that it’s clearly an exciting piece for burst mages.
- Ability Power: 90 ⇒ 95

Null Magic Mantle
We’re making a big change in nerfing tier two boots. In order to make that happen, we needed to tap down on Null Magic Mantle as well. This has a nice side benefit of making this item shut down mage opponents less hard, which we like. Unless otherwise mentioned, all items that build from Null Magic Mantle have the same total stats and total price.
- Cost: 450 ⇒ 400
- Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 20
- Resulting items have total price and final MR values unchanged.

Mercury’s Treads
Overall the nerfs to tier two boots are meant to make them the correct buy once you actually want the move speed, instead of just the best early items in the game. Ideally building your first legendary should be the optimal way to play out your laning phase but upgrading your move speed could be worthwhile if you need to dodge skill shots or close the gap on a ranged opponent.
Mercury Treads’ nerf is around 200g total in price and stats. It provided so much durability at such a cheap price point that it could easily shut down offensive AP opponents.
- Total Price: 1100 ⇒ 1200
- Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 20

Berserker’s Greaves
Berserker’s Greaves is losing around 150g worth of attack speed, nudging players toward finishing other items first.
- Attack Speed: 35% ⇒ 30%

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Lucidity boots are getting nerfed a bit over 100g worth of value. We like that going for ability haste can be a compelling choice versus flat magic penetration for mages, so we’re not going too hard here.
- Total Price: 900 ⇒ 1000
- Summoner Haste: 12 ⇒ 10

Plated Steelcaps
We generally buffed Steelcaps back in 14.10 by making it cheaper, giving it more armor, and taxing the anti-attack passive lightly. It’s so strong that it’s become a default pick in many AD-vs-AD lanes, making the lane more about pushing in the wave as fast as possible and less about interactions. By bringing its overall gold efficiency back down, it’ll be slightly weaker than 14.9’s version.
- Total Price: 1000 ⇒ 1200
- Plating: 8% ⇒ 10%

Sorcerer’s Shoes
Sorcerer’s Shoes loses head’s-up 1v1 to Mercury’s Treads and that will still be true next patch, but the hope is that with price disparities and an overall push toward finishing the first legendary that it won’t matter as much. Since we’re overall lowering the amount of MR in the game via Null Magic Mantle and Mercury’s Treads, we’re giving only a light tap to Sorcerer’s Shoes in line with the smaller boot nerfs from this patch.
- Magic Penetration: 18 ⇒ 15

Boots of Swiftness
We’re giving Swities the low-end 100g nerf as they have a clear place in the system and we think it’s fine if a few more champions pick these up for some new boot goofin’.
- Total Price: 900 ⇒ 1000

Symbiotic Soles / Synchronized Souls
We’re specifically not nerfing Symbiotic Soles as they’re a little weak relative to other boot options. A few champions may find themselves moving over as a result of the other nerfs here.
- Unchanged

Wit’s End
Wit’s End had its on-hit damage scaled back when it used to give flat attack damage as well, which had made it overbearing in lane against magic damage champions. Now that the AD is gone, it’s become somewhat of a trap as an early purchase. By smoothing out its early game damage, it should once again be viable as a first item.
- Fray: 15-80 ⇒ 40-80

Abyssal Mask
A few patches ago we tried to make Abyssal Mask enticing both for low-income support tanks and for any offensively-skewed income tanks as well. The income tanks are the ones who have shown the most desire to pick it up, so we’re embracing them with some changes to make the item even more exciting. A significant boost to the MR shred aura with a moderate increase in price should not only make magic damage tanks happy but also give players an option when they find their team composition is too magic-heavy.
- Total Price: 2300 ⇒ 2500
- Unmake Magic Resist Shred: 20% ⇒ 30%
- Unmake Aura Radius: 600 ⇒ 700

Dark Harvest
We adjusted Dark Harvest last month to make it a high risk option that rewards early dominance. Our hope was to make it slightly stronger than it was before, which didn’t quite happen, so we’re delivering some direct buffs to the rune. A lower baseline cooldown will nudge it up for laners specifically, while a quicker reset on takedown should buff it for everyone in team fights.
- Cooldown: 40 ⇒ 35
- On-takedown reset timer: 1.5s ⇒ 1s

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork is providing too much early safety, making champions who have an early advantage run over their lane opponents with pure sustain. This patch, we’re lowering the early healing on Fleet and backloading it until level 14+.
- Heal: 8-110 (linear) (+10% Bonus AD) (+5% AP) ⇒ 5-120 (following stat progression multiplier) (+10% Bonus AD) (+5% AP)
System Changes
Koi Pond
Due to a lack of love and care some additional brush has sprouted around the Koi Pond. But in all seriousness we've read a lot of your feedback about how frustrating Koi Pond can be, so we're making a few changes to reduce the bigger pain points we've heard you all bring up.Lilypad
We still think Koi Pond has value as a map that rewards good macro positioning and risk being isolated, but with this set of changes we're looking to reduce the amount of times you feel isolated or trapped on a single island. We believe this change list is a good first step that will help make the map less frustrating and wanted to get it out to all of you ASAP, while we work on some larger changes down the road. Let us know your thoughts once you've had a chance to try them out as we're still thinking of more ways to improve the map.
- Close Time increased from 5.4s ⇒ 10.8s
- Respawn Time increased from 6.6s ⇒ 3.2s
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Chemtech Blastcones would behave like a normal Blastcone after being used once
- Moved the Blastcone on the North Island slightly closer to the center
- Blastcone cooldown increased from 5 ⇒ 10s
- Removed the Blastcone on the South-East Island
- Hexgate Cooldown reduced from 12 ⇒ 8s (Koi Pond only)
- More Brush has been added to each island
- Players can no longer spawn on the South-East Island
Ring of Fire
- The initial size increased by 16% (Koi Pond only). Making it so you have more time before the initial ring starts to shrink and are able to respond.
- The Ring can now close on any island but it is much more likely to choose the South-East Island
- Clicking on an island when the Lilypad is closed will no longer cause your champion to stand still, and instead will move you to the closest point on the edge of your island.
Augments and Prismatic Items
We know you’ve all been itching for some new Arena content, and we’re here to deliver. In this patch we’re bringing you 13 Augments and 12 items to add a bit of that spice you’ve all been craving. Our goal is to expand the variety of builds you can put together, and create some amount of exciting moments where you clinch out a victory.
Prismatic Augments
Fan the Hammer- When you Attack, fire 5 additional bolts dealing physical damage, increasing the further away your target is. Each cardinal direction has a 3s Cooldown. Each bolt can crit and applies On-Hit effects at 20% effectiveness.
Dual Wield
- Your Attacks and On-Hits deal 50% less damage. Gain 250% Attack Speed.
Ultimate Roulette
- Replace Summoner Flee with a random champion’s ultimate with a drastically reduced Cooldown. Reroll the ultimate each time you cast it.
- Possible champion ultimates: Dr. Mundo, Lux, Lucian, Cho’Gath, Gangplank, Gragas, and Morgana
Prismatic Egg
- Your 1st takedown on each champion in a round grants 1 stack. At 5 stacks this hatches into a Prismatic Anvil. Then, every 7 stacks, you’ll hatch another.
Stats on Stats on Stats!
- Gain 4 Stat Anvils!
Gold Augments
Light Warden- Every few seconds, Autocast a warding light towards your ally, Shielding yourself and allies it passes through. It then returns to you, repeating the effects.
Fruits of your Labor
- Share the effects of Power Flowers with your nearby ally, and increase the benefits you gain from them by 25%.
Summoner Revolution
- For each Summoner Spell refresh its Cooldown once per round.
Stats on Stats!
- Gain 3 Stat Anvils!
Silver Augments
Slime Time- Every few seconds Autocast a burst of slime dealing max Health magic damage to nearby enemies. If you hit a champion, secrete a blob nearby. Moving over the blob restores Health, while enemies destroy it.
- Whenever you Dash or Blink, Burn a nearby enemy for max Health magic damage over 5 seconds.
Fire Sale
- Instantly sell all of your non-quest items for 100% of their value.
- Gain 2 Stat Anvils!
Fully Automated
- This Augment has been removed.
Prismatic Augments
Twilight’s EdgeStats:
- 70 Attack Damage
- 100 Ability Power
The Path Between
- Threshold 130 Bonus Attack Damage and 180 Ability Power: At the start of each combat, randomly enter either the Spirit World or the Material World.
- Spirit World: Gains 20% Ability Power and 30-120 (level) Ability Haste.
- Material World: Gain 20% Attack Damage and 50%-150% (level) Attack Speed.
Hexbolt Companion
- 75% Attack Speed
- 500 Health
Covering Fire
- While near your ally, every second Attack fires a bolt from them to the target, dealing physical damage and applying your ally’s On-Hit effects.
Reaper’s Toll
- 40 Adaptive Force
- 50% Attack Speed
- 10% Move Speed
- Increases your Attack Speed from all sources by 25%.
- On-Hit, deal a small amount of percent max Health true damage, and reduce their max Health by the damage dealt for the rest of the round. Consecutive hits against the same enemy increase the damage.
- 35 Armor
- 35 Magic Resist
- 40% Attack Speed
- Gain max Health scaling with your Bonus Attack Speed.
- Attacks deal additional magic damage On-Hit, scaling with your max Health.
- When struck by an Attack or Ability, gain 5 stacks of Resonating for 6 seconds. Immobilizing an enemy champion applies your On-Hit effects 3 times and grants 25 stacks of Resonating.
- While at 100 Resonating, Pull in nearby enemies every 8 seconds.
Lighting Rod
- 500 Health
- 30 Armor
- 30 Magic Resist
- 8% Move Speed
Call Lighting
- Every 14 seconds, Autocast a stormcloud above you, which after a brief delay fires a lighting bolt, dealing max Health magic damage and Slowing for 2 seconds. If you are struck by the lighting, gain a Shield for 2 seconds.
Fully Automated
- Your Autocast Cooldowns are reduced by 1 second and benefit from your Ability Haste.
Diamond-Tipped Spear
- 75 Adaptive Force
- 30% Attack Speed
Reach Weapon
- Increase your Attack Range by 75.
Sweet Spot
- Deal up to 30% increased damage with Attacks and 40% with Abilities based on how far your target is from you.
Pyromancer’s Cloak
- 85 Adaptive Force
- 400 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
- Attacks or Ability hits against an enemy champion Burn them, dealing magic damage over 3 seconds.
Cleansing Flame
- Applying a Burn to an enemy champion creates a nearby Blaze for 5 seconds. While in a Blaze, gain 20% Move Speed and 5% Omnivamp. Enemies inside take 75 magic damage per second.
- The size and strength of Blazes scale with how many unique Burn sources you have.
- 50 Magic Damage, 2% Omnivamp, and 4% Move Speed per unique Burn source.
Twin Mask
- None!
- Gain a percent of your teammate’s Health, Armor, Magic Resist, Atack Damage, Ability Power, Attack Speed, and Ability Haste, doubled if they also have Twin Mask and are alive.
Black Hole Gauntlet
- 800 Health
- 25 Ability Haste
- 200% Base Health Regen
- On-Hit, gain 1 stack of Accretion, and 5 stacks for Immobilizing an enemy champion. These stacks last all round, capped at 50 stacks. Each stack increases your size and Base Health Regen.
Active: Dark Star
- Summon a Black Hole that scales with your size and durability. It pulls in nearby enemies and deals magic damage each second, and grants 1 stack of Accretion. Lasting longer scaling with max Health.
- 60 Attack Damage
- 15 Lethality
- 8% Move Speed
End the Line
- At the start of each round, declare the lowest health enemy the Regent. Getting a takedown on the Regent grants you permanent Attack Damage and refreshes your Ultimate’s Cooldown.
Kinkou Jitte
- 70 Adaptive Force
- 12 Lethality
- 12 Magic Penetration
- 30 Ability Haste
Between the Ribs
- You can see weakpoints in nearby enemy champions. Dealing damage through the weakpoint deals percent max Health true damage scaling with Lethality and Flat Magic Penetration and grants Move Speed for 1.5 seconds.
- 30 Ability Power
- 15% Heal and Shield Power
- 40 Ability Haste
- 125% Base Mana Regen
Pull Their Strings
- Attacking a champion adds a stack for 5 seconds. At 4 stacks, Berserk them for 2 seconds. You grant Berserk enemies additional Attack Speed scaling with Heal/Shield Power, and Move Speed. 45 second Cooldown.
- Healing, Shielding, or buffing yourself or an ally with an Ability reduces the Cooldown by 5 seconds.
- If only one enemy is alive, instead Fear them for the same duration.
Balance Adjustments
We’re not making many balance changes this patch due to all the new content going in, as we’d like to let the meta naturally shift. We’re still including several more buffs to alt builds though, and are nerfing a few common champions with fairly high ban rates. Lastly, we’re bringing Trinity Force’s and Luden’s Companion’s stats closer to Summoner’s Rift since we think we nerfed them too hard to account for their lower gold cost in Arena.
Champion Buffs
Malzahar- Voidling AD Ratio: 40% bonus AD ⇒ 60% bonus AD
- W Total AP Ratio: 150% ⇒ 180%
Xin Zhao
- Passive Heal AP Ratio: 65% ⇒ 85%
- E AP Ratio: 60% ⇒ 90%
Jarvan IV
- E AP Ratio: 80% ⇒ 100%
- W AP Ratio: 40% ⇒ 70%
- R AP Ratio: 80% ⇒ 100%
- E AP Ratio Per Tick: 7% ⇒ 10%
Champion Nerfs
Volibear- W Missing Health Heal: 6/9/12/15/18% ⇒ 6/8/10/12/14%
- W Bonus Health Damage: 6% ⇒ 5%
- Q Cooldown: 10 ⇒ 12
- R Stat Steal: 10% ⇒ 8%
- Q Total AP Ratio: 70% ⇒ 65%
- R Bonus Stats: 30/65/100 ⇒ 30/55/80
Item Buffs
Trinity Force- Ability Haste: 15 ⇒ 20
- Attack Damage: 30 ⇒ 35
Luden's Companion
- Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 25
- Ability Power: 80 ⇒ 85
Arena Bugfixes
- Fixed multiple bugs from PBE with new Arena items.
- Fixed multiple bugs from PBE with new Arena Augments.
- Fixed a bug with Aurora missing recommended items.
- Fixed a bug with Marksmage tracker tracking damage to Blastcones and Power Flowers.
- Fixed a bug with Raidboss camera not zooming in correctly.
- Fixed a bug with Spellwake dealing inconsistent damage at random times.
- Fixed a bug allowing Olaf to use R Ragnarok to break out of Raid Boss early.
- Fixed a bug with Heavy Hitter’s tooltip not displaying damage.
- Fixed a bug with revive circles desynced from the actual revive zone if a champion died while in forced movement.
- Fixed a bug with Ethereal Weapons causing Gragas W to deal more damage than intended.
- Fixed a bug with ADAPt resulting in negative Ability Power.
- Fixed a bug with Flesheater Hack the Meat debuff not displaying on enemies.
- Fixed a bug with Stackosaurus granting bonus stacks to everyone in the lobby, and stackosaurus stacking with additional stackosaurus
- Fixed a bug where Taric Q would be set to a higher cooldown when hitting plants
Hello ARAMers! In this patch, we are focusing on some champion-specific adjustments and reactive changes. Ashe has remained stable over the past few patches. To enhance her utility in teamfights, we have decided to refund her R cooldown. We have some changes for Sion for now but we are planning to develop better levers in the future to adjust his durability and damage effectively. The rest of the champions nerfed are reactive balances to Summoner's Rift changes, but we will closely monitor Milio since his Q is much easier to trigger the mana refund in ARAM. We will continue to focus on quality of life improvements and hope you enjoy your time on the Howling Abyss! Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback!
Ashe: R Cooldown: 110/90/70s ⇒ 100/80/60sNerfs
- Aphelios: Damage Taken: 95% ⇒ 100%
- Hwei: Damage to minions: 100% ⇒ 80%; Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 95%
- Milio: Ability Haste: 0 ⇒ -10
- Sejuani: Damage Dealt: 105% ⇒ 100%
Sion:- W Max health gained from killing unit: 4 ⇒ 2
- W Max health gained from killing large unit or champion: 15 ⇒ 8
- W Shield Strength 8/10/12/14/16% ⇒ 6/8/10/12/14% maximum health
- Shield Received: 80% ⇒ 100%
- Tenacity: -20% ⇒ 0%
- Hexgate: Increased the hovering and selection radius for Hexgate to reduce the chance of being blocked by other champions.
Balance Adjustments
Time for our first adjustments for Swarm! For this patch we’re mainly focused on performance, bugfixes, and buffing up some underperforming champions/builds. We’re deliberately avoiding nerfs except in cases where something is affecting server/client performance (sorry Yasuo enjoyers) or is WAY out of line.
Boss EnragesWe’ve reworked boss enrages to be a bit more clear.
- Old Enrage: After 5 minutes bosses would enrage (invisibly) causing all damage to (invisibly) one-shot players. After 7 minutes bosses would (invisibly) kill all players who somehow managed to survive.
- New Enrage: After 5 minutes bosses will visibly enrage and start to glow red. For the next 30 seconds they deal 20% increased damage, after which they will unleash a nova that kills all players. Enrage timers on Aatrox reset when he transitions to his second phase.
Buffs and nerfs
BossesAatrox has realized that some COWARDLY champions have found areas where his flying swords cannot reach during phase two. NO LONGER.
Briar has been working out for her boss fight. Everything deals more damage.
Rek’Sai no longer shotguns champions with missiles while knocking them up, resulting in unclear “funshots”
Decreased Rek’Sai’s missile hitbox to match the visuals.
Generic champ thingsUntargetable champions can now res allies and pickup cards, health, bombs, and vacuums.
Removed a small window where reviving champions were not invulnerable (allowing them to be killed/damaged the instant they got up).
Briar- Savage Slice (weapon evolve) no longer permanently loses its ability to apply bleed when Briar dies
- Fish Frenzy (E) damage reduction is now doubled from 25% to 50% when Briar is below 50% health. This effect previously occurred when Briar was below 30% health and wasn’t included in the tooltip due to an oversight.
- E now detonates existing hex marks on cast
- Now gains Untargetability during R casts
- Fixed a bug where Aurora would sometimes remain targetable while teleporting between sides of her ultimate
- Tentacle length now scales with Area Size
- Area Size now makes Tentacles visibly larger
- Wandering Storms (weapon evolve) tornado zones now scale with Duration and Area Size
- Base Area Size: 250 ⇒ 200
- Base duration: 4 ⇒ 2.5
- Now properly multicasts Cyclonic Slicers, Ani-mines, Battle Bunny Crossbow, and Searing Shortbow
- No longer permanently loses her ability to slow enemies when she dies
- Passive move speed is no longer multiplicative (at higher MS values she would lose control of her character by going TOO FAST)
- Shield of Daybreak Cooldown: 3/2.75/2.5/2.25/2/1.75 ⇒ 2.75/2.5/2.25/2/1.75/1.5
- Armor Ratio: 2.0 ⇒ 3.0
- Sunlight damage: 75 ⇒ 300
- Light of the Lion’s Sunlight effect is now properly triggered by all weapons
- Eclipse (E) now only removes other shields on expiration
- R no longer permanently loses its ability to stun when Leona dies
- She’s perfect(ly OP)
- She’s incredible(ly strong)
lass='change-detail-title'>Weapons and Augments
Weapon Buffs
Searing Shortbow- No longer permanently stops dealing damage on death
Gatling Bunny-Guns
- Damage: 16/36/56/76/96/96 ⇒ 15/35/55/75/95/115
- Evolve damage amp vs stunned targets: 10% ⇒ 15%
- Cooldown now starts at the start of duration instead of end. CD and Duration have been adjusted to account for this (these are buffs).
- Cooldown: 10/10/9/9/8/8 ⇒ 20/20/18/18/16/16
- Duration: 12/14/14/16/16/16 ⇒ 10/12/12/14/14/14
- Can now spawn multiple Yuumi bots at once (she’s an AI, this makes sense)
- Yuum.AI.Hologram now properly scales with Area Size
- Damage: 100 - 400 ⇒ 100 - 500
- Cooldown: 15 ⇒ 13
Radiant Field
- Damage: 5/15/25/35/45/45 ⇒ 5/15/25/35/45/55
- Health Ratio: 3.5% maximum health ⇒ 5% maximum health
- Now counts as an Emotional Support Pet :3
- Damage: 150/325/500/675/850/850 (+1.0 armor) ⇒ 125/325/525/725/925/925 (+5.0 armor)
Cyclonic Slicers
- Damage: 50/50/55/55/60/60 ⇒ 55/55/60/60/65/65
- Slowed down missile so they create less visual noise
- Fixed a bug where evolved missiles weren’t hitting as often as they should
Weapon Nerfs
UwU Blaster- Damage: 45/50/55/60/65/70 ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65/65
Augment Buffs
Glass Cannon- Damage increase is now multiplicative, rather than additive
- Damage Reduction: 20% ⇒ 15%
Immobile Immolation
- No longer stacks or deals self damage while dead, dying now resets the counter to zero
- No longer stacks or deals self damage while in a cinematic, now resets the counter to zero
- No longer deals self damage while invulnerable
Augment Nerfs
Cross Country- Damage/HP/Area per stack: 4% ⇒ 3%
Ramming Runner
- Damage increase per movement speed %: 1 ⇒ 0.5
Swarm Bugfixes & QoL Changes
QoL Changes
- Improved performance of Searing Shortbow, Evolved Embershot, and Yasuo’s Wandering Storms.
- Generally improved game performance.
- Achievement progress for picking up Vacuums & Bombs now applies to the entire team.
- Added a VFX confirmation when catching the Red Dot.
- Fixed an issue where Briar’s Feeding Frenzy (E) applied additional area of effect damage from her Summoner’s Rift abilities when striking enemies with Prumbis’s Electrocarver.
- Fixed an issue where players would not be granted a speed buff after being knocked back during Bel’Veth’s boss spawn if they were too close to her spawn position or dead.
- Fixed an issue where Uptime Upgrade was not added to the Yuumi augment pool after being unlocked. This augment is now unlocked for players by default.
- Fixed an issue where “Friends? Friends. 1” and “Friends? Friends. 2” could not be completed on Story difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where “Surprise for Seraphine 2” could only be completed with Leona.
- Fixed an issue where achievement progress for killing elite enemies in multiplayer games was incorrectly attributed to only one player.
- Fixed an issue where Leona’s Solar Flare (R) tooltip stated an incorrect burn value.
- Fixed an issue where the “Fully Kitted” challenge conditions were incorrect.
- Stasis field MF reward no longer stops freezing enemies after 15s.
- Enemies frozen by stasis field at the end of its duration are no longer permanently frozen.
- Fixed a bug with Riven’s Valor (E) visuals did not scale with Area Size.
- Fixed a bug that caused “Defeat X Amount of Elite Enemies” on Hard/Extreme difficulty to only work in solo lobbies.
- Fixed a bug with [Friends? Friends] Character Story achievements being unlockable only on Hard+ difficulty.
- Fixed a bug that caused [Surprise for Seraphine 2] Character Story to only be unlocked with Leona.
- Fixed a bug with text formatting in multiple languages.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Fully-Kitted” challenge to be tied to the wrong achievement.
- Fixed a bug with the “Uptime Upgrade” augment not being offered to players.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to lose an Upgrade when two or more Access Cards are picked up at the same time.
- Fixed a bug that caused the map texture to display incorrectly on The Beachhead.
- Fixed a bug with Aurora’s Hopped-Up Hex (Evolved Weapon) projectile count being capped.
- Fixed a bug with Seraphine’s Anima Echo (Weapon) projectile count being capped.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Seahorse to be AFK.
- Fixed a bug where a couple narrative barks and post-mission logs have the wrong portrait.
- Fixed a bug with players being able to run out of the Rek’Sai arena before the arena is formed. Players are now forced into the Arena if detected outside.
Ranked Queue Eligibility Requirements
After several of the changes earlier this year, we're happy to report that we no longer see legitimate new players being placed significantly above their skill levels. However, we still want to ensure that we have better signals of where we should be seeding some of these new accounts, especially ones that play predominantly (or exclusively) ARAM or Bot games to be eligible for Ranked.
We'll be requiring that accounts play 10 games in Normal Summoner’s Rift queues as a prerequisite to playing ranked in addition to the existing prerequisites (must be level 30, must own 20 or more champions). With Vanguard we will be preventing and auditing accounts being leveled and exchanging owners for purposes like boosting and account selling. We will also be paying attention to accounts that attempt to misrepresent their skills in these calibration games in order to be matched with lower skilled players.
- New accounts will now be required to play 10 Normal Summoner’s Rift games prior to being eligible to play Ranked queues
Adjustments to Queue Declining
Recently we’ve noticed more players abusing the decline button to manipulate which games they will get into for nefarious purposes. We think it's reasonable to decline the queue sometimes to get food or go to the restroom, but multiple declines causes difficulties for nine other players trying to get into their games. Due to this, we’ll be making the required amount of declines to trigger penalties less lenient. We have a few other plans in the works, but they aren’t quite ready yet.
- Amount of declined queues required to trigger lockout: 4 ⇒ 2 declines
- Warning that next declined queue will trigger a lockout: 3 ⇒ 1 declines
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
- Fixed an issue that caused the scoreboard to not correctly sort itself.
- Fixed an issue that caused Taric’s Q and W to not cast on a bound ally while at max range.
- Fixed an issue where self-casting Taric’s W while your bound ally is dead would cause you to shield a corpse instead of finding a new ally.
- Fixed an issue with Aurora where teleporting with Clamp Casting enabled caused her R to cast in the opposite intended direction.
- Fixed an issue with Aurora where casting her R combined with Hex Rocketbelt causes the R Ability to be disabled and obtain an “unstoppable” effect.
- Fixed an issue that caused Bard’s abilities SFX to be played while in Fog of War.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sejuani’s abilities SFX to be played while in Fog of War.
- Fixed an issue where on rare occasions Viego possessing Aurora could spawn spirits that crashed the server. (It’s always Viego.)
- Fixed an issue that caused Taric’s W tether to spam its SFX if the bound ally consistently entered and exited the max range.
- Fixed an issue that caused Taric’s Q to increase it’s cooldown via Navori passive not correctly reduce its cooldown from Navori.
- Fixed an issue that caused Kraken Slayer and Navori Flickerblade descriptions to be different from the collection to in game.
- Fixed some rune recommendation issues with Aurora.
- Fixed an issue that caused Viego’s W animation to be hidden if cast while activating his Passive.
- Fixed a display issue with Cash Back that caused its End of Game value to be displayed as 0.
- Fixed an issue that caused K’Sante’s R root to be affected by Tenacity.
- Fixed some VO lines with Aurora in Arabic that were hard to hear in several languages.
- Fixed an issue with Aurora’s Q where the recast wouldn’t complete if the target died.
- Fixed an issue that caused Seraphine’s abilities SFX to be played while in Fog of War.
- Fixed an issue where Mundo’s Passive would allow him to move through Aurora’s R without being pushed.
- Fixed an issue where Camille’s Q2 True Damage was being mitigated by some effects.
- Fixed an issue where Aurora’s R would be visible inside Mordekaiser’s R and would be functional if casted before entering.
- Fixed an issue where Champions could sometimes act during the beginning of Skarner’s E stun.
- Fixed an issue where some of Ornn’s VO lines were not playing for his abilities.
- Fixed an issue where Aurora could be seen standing up while inside Tahm Kench when devoured during the cast of his W or R.
- Fixed an issue that caused Teleport or Unleashed Teleport to not display a cast bar.
- Fixed an issue that caused some of Qiyana’s voice lines to not be played.
- Fixed an issue that caused enemies to hear Qiyana’s voice lines. (Would you guess that the above fix is related?)
- Fixed an issue that caused Taliyah’s First Encounter voice lines to not be played.
- Fixed an issue that caused Karthus’s death voice lines to be missing after his passive expired.
- Fixed an issue that caused Morgana’s unique first encounter with Jarven IV to not play.
- Fixed an issue that caused some champions to be knocked up instead of away when hitting a Blast Cone at max range.
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
The following chromas will be released this patch: