Patch 14.17 Notes
The Battle Queens (and Princess) have arrived with Patch 14.17!
This patch has quite a handful of changes across the board! From the Summoner’s Rift, to ARAM, to Arena. We’re hitting all the queues! We’ve got some matchmaking improvements that should address some imbalances that we’ve been seeing, some fixes for queue/stream sniping, and adjustment to Ranked restrictions, and a fix to some issues with the Leaver System not properly penalizing leavers.
Our live SR balance changes are driven by a few goals: First, we’re taking another swing at the prevalence of ADCs in solo lanes through more system adjustments. Second, we’re also taking a swing at tank supports, who have all become more powerful recently, by bringing down some of their items that we had buffed earlier this year. Otherwise, we have a flurry of smaller adjustments to individual champions who are performing a bit too well or too poorly in the current game.
TFT patch notes here!

Patch Highlights
Matchmaking Improvements
Recently we've seen a lot of player feedback around issues surrounding the balance of blue side, red side and off-role balance. This patch, we're making changes to better match off-roles, including matching secondaries as if they were off roles. We've also made some improvements to make team vs team balance feel more fair and not repeatedly place the same players on the same teams (especially at the top of the ladder). These changes didn't make it in time for 14.16, but they're here for real this time!
- Increased off-role parity, both teams should now have a more similar amount of players autofilled or placed into their secondary roles.
- Reduced how large LP gaps could be between players in a game.
- Decreased the red vs blue side imbalance, especially in higher MMRs.
Leaving penalties on the table
We discovered a bug in our Leaver detection which resulted in some players not receiving the penalty that they should have received, despite being identified as "LEAVER" at the end of the game. This in particular affected players who triggered remakes by leaving very early on in a game, meaning a lot of those players weren't getting the consequence they should have.
This issue is now fixed and now whenever you see someone labeled "LEAVER" they will be correctly penalized. Due to this fix we expect to issue about 200,000 more penalties for leaving per week.
Changes to Ready Check
In order to address queue sniping and stream sniping, behaviors that both involve abusing ready check to disrupt a game, we've implemented new penalties for declining ready check. Players will still be able to decline the occasional game if you're otherwise occupied but these new penalties will affect those repeatedly declining ready check in a short frame of time. Penalties will start with queue lockouts and escalate to bans if players continue to repeatedly miss ready checks. Changes will be live in NA in 14.17 and in all Riot regions in the following patch.
Update to Ranked Restrictions Worldwide
Having observed a decrease in report rates and jump in per game KDA for games with ranked restricted players following changes we made in the KR server in 14.15, we are rolling out these changes to all Riot regions. Starting in 14.17, ranked restricted players will be able to return to ranked games only after winning three matches in Quickplay or Draft Pick.
Infernal Cinders Adjustment
Back in 14.15 we shipped a change to Infernal Cinders that was missing from the Patch Notes so we’re just coming back to document that. Each Cinder was low enough value that players often ignored the mechanic wholesale, so we're decreasing their spawn rate but increasing the value per Cinder so that players should be more willing to run around to collect them without getting extremely high amounts of Ability Haste late game.
- Infernal Cinder Spawn Cadence: 2-3 every 14 seconds ⇒ 2-3 every 20 seconds
- Infernal Cinder Haste per stack: .6 ⇒ 1

R Damage decreased.
Aurora has begun settling in after the first few weeks of balance updates and players learning her. She’s in a pretty balanced state but is a little over the line. We’d like to make sure she feels good as an elusive, repeatable mage and make her less reliant on just jamming R for reliable burst, so we’re taking down about 10% of her ult’s damage.
R - Between Worlds
- Damage: 200/325/450 (+60% AP) ⇒ 175/275/375 (+60% AP)

Base Health decreased.
Ashe has ended up more elite- and Pro-skewed than we’d like, considering she’s quite straightforward to play. This patch we’re addressing some of her early bully power, opening up more windows for counter-play against her.
Base Stats
- Base Health: 640 ⇒ 610

Passive burn damage per second and explosion damage capped against monsters.
With the addition of Fated Ashes we’ve seen some of our Mage junglers disproportionately benefit from some burn damage on top of their burn damage. We think that mage junglers should have their strengths and good reasons to be picked, and that their jungle clears should be a part of that. That being said, even with them being good at this there was room for some caps to be put in place.
Passive - Blaze
- Burn damage now has a cap at 30 damage per second to monsters.
- Explosion now has a cap against monsters of 250/350/400/475 at levels 1/6/11/16

Attack Speed Ratio increased. W cooldown decreased.
While Caitlyn isn’t winning as many games as is fair for her, she’s still very good at knocking down turrets and pushing waves, so we’re avoiding giving her more early game damage as we feel her lane state is good, but want to bring her up and are aware that Fleet Footwork’s nerfs this patch will affect her. So we’re giving her more traps and better synergy with attack speed items so that she can do more than just dominate the lane and hope to one-shot her opponents.
Base Stats
- Attack Speed Ratio: .594 ⇒ .610
W - Yordle Snap Trap
- Cooldown: 30/24/19/15/12 ⇒ 26/22/18/14/10

Base AD decreased.
Ezreal has quickly become the most prominent bot lane pick in Pro, and as we’re gearing up for Worlds, we’d like to inject some more interest in that lane. We’re pulling back on the intentionally Pro-skewed buffs we gave him a while ago by pulling back his early attack damage, since he doesn’t need to be an early lane dominator.
Base Stats
- Base Attack Damage: 62 ⇒ 60

Q Cooldown decreased at higher ranks, and damage increased.
Graves is doing poorly at his current tuning and we’d like to fix that. We’re playing up the repeatability of his Q and giving it a bit more juice, even if he isn’t snowballing, so that he can be a more reliable DPS source.
Q - End of the Line
- Cooldown: 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 ⇒ 13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6
- Initial Damage: 45/60/75/90/105 (+80% Bonus AD) ⇒ 45/65/85/105/125 (+80% Bonus AD)
- Maximum Damage: 130/180/230/280/330 (+120/150/180/210/240% Bonus AD) ⇒ 130/185/240/295/350 (+120/150/180/210/240% Bonus AD)

Q damage decreased.
The last patch changes to Katarina helped out her AP builds a ton while not having on-hit go out of control. As players have switched over to her more performant Lich Bane builds, Katarina’s performing a little better than she’s meant to, so we’re walking back half of the Q buff we delivered last patch.
Q - Bouncing Blade
- Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+45% AP) ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220 (+40% AP)

Q damage decreased.
Kennen’s 14.9 buff, which allows him to move while casting his ultimate, gave him a meaningful amount of power. Liandry’s as a first item has also increased in popularity, which has made him a bit too strong. To take away some power and tone down his damage, we’re targeting his mid-game power spike through a ratio nerf to his Q.
Q - Thundering Shuriken
- Magic Damage: 75/125/175/225/275 (+85% AP) ⇒ 75/125/175/225/275 (+75% AP)

Q Attack Speed increased. E damage increased, and cooldown decreased.
Kindred got hit quite hard when we nerfed Kraken Slayer a couple patches ago so now they’re in need of some love and attention. First, we’re reverting the recent Q attack speed nerf since their sustained damage is lower. Second, we’re increasing their ability to secure kills via Mounting Dread, especially since a decent portion of players think it might be worth maxing it second, though it currently isn’t. Even for those who still max W, this should still have a noticeable impact through the AD ratio and late game bases.
Q - Dance of Arrows
- Attack Speed: 30% ⇒ 35%
E - Mounting Dread
- Damage: 80/100/120/140/160 (+80% Bonus AD) ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200 (+100% Bonus AD)
- Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 ⇒ 14/12.5/11/9.5/8

Q Damage decreased. W damage decreased.
LeBlanc has been performing too well so we’re taking away some power. She's quite strong in the early game and we’d like to retain that, but are reducing some of her later burst damage to account for how consistently she’s able to get ahead.
Q - Sigil of Malice
- Magic Damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+45% AP) ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170 (+40% AP)
W - Distortion
- Magic Damage: 75/115/155/195/235 (+75% AP) ⇒ 75/115/155/195/235 (+70% AP)

Damage cap to monsters decreased at higher levels.
Similarly to Brand, Lillia has benefited from Fated Ashe’s much more than your average user and as such, we’re tapping down a her mid and later game clear speeds. This might look like a lot, but you don’t hit this cap until you have Liandry’s and then you have Liandry’s damage to compensate. Our jungle fawnmower will continue to prance her way through jungle clears, we’re just balancing based on the new Fated Ashe’s jungle landscape.
Passive - Dream-Laden Bough
- Damage to monsters cap: 70-150 over 3 seconds ⇒ 70-100 over 3 seconds

Q damage increased. R slow increased at lower ranks.
Lissandra could use a bit more love as a somewhat-selfless utility mage. This patch we’re playing up her teamfight utility aspects and making her mid-game damage a bit higher without relying on gold income to get there.
Q - Ice Shard
- Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+85% AP) ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220 (+85% AP)
R - Frozen Tomb
- Slow: 30/45/75% ⇒ 45/60/75%

Base Armor decreased.
We're lightly nerfing Pyke since he's performing a bit too well in Solo Queue. We’re reducing his durability to give his opponents more of a window to kill him before he starts roaming with Symbiotic Soles, and are specifically reducing his base armor since it’s particularly high.
Base Stats
- Armor: 47 ⇒ 43

Passive damage decreased.
Rumble is the highest presence top laner in Pro and is possibly stronger in Solo Queue than his win rates suggest, particularly if he builds Riftmaker as his second item instead of Shadowflame. We are reducing the potency of his all-ins, as he already has effective tools for trading in lane through the damage and range provided by his Q and E, along with the utility and defense offered by his W.
Passive - Junkyard Titan
- On-Hit Damage: 5-40 (based on level) (+25% AP) (+6% Target Max Health) ⇒ 5-40 (based on level) (+25% AP) (+5% Target Max Health)

Q damage increased. R cooldown decreased.
Ryze isn’t performing very well—he scales well but is weak early, and while he shouldn’t be too good there he could use more agency. So we’re giving him some extra Q damage to help him trade and clear a bit better, and reducing how harsh his ultimate’s cooldown is to make room for more sick plays and to give players more opportunities to learn this atypical spell.
Q - Overload
- Magic Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+55% AP) (+2% Bonus Mana) ⇒ 75/95/115/135/155 (+55% AP) (+2% Bonus Mana)
R - Realm Warp
- Cooldown: 210/180/150 ⇒ 180/160/140

Q heal decreased. R shield AP ratio decreased.
Senna’s new optimal builds (both AP enchanter and Black Cleaver) are currently overperforming. While we’re happy that she has a viable AP enchanter alternate build, it should never be dominating her itemization, so she’s receiving both some flat nerfs and taps to her AP ratios. In case you haven’t watched a video from your favorite influencer yet, let’s be clear: Go buy a Black Cleaver, it’s really good on her!
Q - Piercing Darkness
- Heal: 40/60/80/100/120 (+80% AP) (+40% Bonus AD) ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100 (+60% AP) (+40% Bonus AD)
R - Dawning Shadow
- Shield: 120/160/200 (+70% AP) ⇒ 120/160/200 (+50% AP)

W Shield decreased and cooldown increased at higher ranks.
Seraphine has finally gone from rising star to superstar, which we’re super happy about! However, she’s quite overpowered as players have come to optimize her builds and ability orders. We hoped to give Seraphine players more options in their ability orders but right now the only option is, “always max W,” so we’re tapping down W’s rank-up power.
W - Surround Sound
- Shield: 60/85/110/135/160 (+20% AP) ⇒ 60/80/100/120/140 (+20% AP)
- Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 ⇒ 22

W damage decreased.
After reshaping Sylas to have bonus health included in his kit we’ve seen him on an unfortunate rollercoaster ride. The last patch gave him back some much needed win rate and then some. With the added flat damage to his W, passive main target damage and survivability added with last patches changes, we think he has a little bit of room to be taken out of his guaranteed damage that should land him in a great spot.
W - Kingslayer
- Magic Damage: 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP) ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215 (+60% AP)

Twisted Fate
Q damage increased.
Now that the dust has settled on AD and AP Twisted Fate, we’re pretty happy with where AD has landed as a playable alternate build with situational viability. However, AP Twisted Fate is just a bit below what we think is an appropriate power level. We’re playing up his first-maxed ability when playing AP to give him some more wave control and general damage output, even if he’s not snowballing.
Q - Wild Cards
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+50% Bonus AD) (+85% AP) ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240 (+50% Bonus AD) (+85% AP)

Q max damage increased. E damage increased.
Varus has escaped Pro jail and despite his recent buffs, is still underperforming. This patch we’re playing up his gold scaling with bonus AD purchases to make sure he can scale reasonably well into the late game while making him continue to build damage items in order to do so. We acknowledge that these changes will buff his lethality a bit more than his on-hit ones but currently his lethality builds are extremely weak with a significant gap between the two, so there’s room to bring them a bit closer, and we still expect Varus to always build a few attack speed items.
Q - Piercing Arrow
- Max Damage: 15/70/125/180/235 (+125/130/135/140/145% Total AD) ⇒ 90/160/230/300/370 (+150/160/170/180/190% Bonus AD)
- Minimum damage still 2/3 of maximum damage
E - Hail of Arrows
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+90% Bonus AD) ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220 (+110% Bonus AD)

Warmog’s Heart
Despite its recent nerf, Warmog’s is still the de-facto support tank purchase. It being occasionally viable as a really good source of durability when you have enough gold is fine for tanks in general, but it’s crowding out all the other support tank items, as it’s simply too strong in too many games. An increased price point and worse roaming should both be especially support-targeted nerfs.
- Total Gold Cost: 3100 ⇒ 3300
- Move Speed Bonus: 10% ⇒ 5%

Celestial Opposition
Celestial Opposition has grown to be too dominant in the support item structure, especially for tank supports, so we’re taking it down a peg. We’re tackling its ability to completely lock down enemy champions and making users rely more on their base kit for that effect.
- Slow: 60% for 2 seconds ⇒ 50% for 1.5 seconds

Absorb Life
Though its win rate is pretty close to comparable options in Precision, we’d like if Absorb Life was a rare pick for when you really need it instead of a default pick that wins your lane through sustain. This patch, we’re making Absorb Life weak on average, meaning it should only come in when you really want to recoup health, especially late game.
- We're adjusting the formula here with how this scales as you level as follows:
- Level 1-5: 1-5 (based on level) ⇒ 1-2 (based on level)
- Level 6-10: 6-11 (based on level) ⇒ 3-7 (based on level)
- Level 11-18: 12-23 (based on level) ⇒ 8-23 (based on level)

Cut Down
We're walking back on our 14.11 buff to Cut Down because it no longer needs the extra push, as it's now both strong and popular.
- Damage Threshold: Above 50% Maximum Health ⇒ Above 60% Maximum Health

Fleet Footwork
Similar to Absorb Life, a more defensive pregame option like Fleet Footwork shouldn’t be the default rune choice for so many champions, as an overabundance of early sustain makes the game boil down to just killing minions instead of interacting with your lane opponent. What’s more, this rune makes matchups with a range disparity almost unplayable when piloted by exceptionally skilled players. This patch we’re nerfing Fleet by addressing its ability to keep out of reach of enemies and tapping down its sustain, especially for solo laners who gain a lot of exp.
- Move Speed: 20% for 1.25 seconds ⇒ 15% for 1 second
- Heal: 5-120 (based on level) ⇒ 5-100 (based on level)
ARAM Clash
Our next Clash tournament for ARAM kicks off this weekend!
As a heads up, if you’re playing on any of the following servers we’ve reduced the Clash lock-in window from two to one hour to help players get into their games quicker: PH (Philippines), SG (Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia), TW (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao), TH (Thailand), and VN (Vietnam).
- Registration Begins: August 26 @ 11:00 AM (Local Time)
- Tournament Dates: August 31 and September 1 (~4-7 PM Local Time, varies by region)
If you have any questions or you're just looking for the full 2024 clash schedule, make sure to check out our Clash FAQ support page.
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
Buffered Charged Abilities
Ever found yourself spamming E as Briar in the middle of a chaotic team fight, desperately trying to break free from CC? Well, we've got some great news for you! Now, instead of smashing that E key, you can simply hold it down while you're CC'd, and your spell will cast the moment you're free. This change is a major boost to the experience for champions with charged abilities.
But wait, there's more! The update isn't just for Briar—it applies to a wide range of champion's charged channel abilities:
- Aurelion Sol Q
- Briar E
- Galio W
- Irelia W
- K'Sante W
- Pantheon Q
- Poppy R
- Pyke Q
- Sion Q
- Varus Q
- Vi Q
- Viego W
- Vladimir E
- Warwick Q
- Xerath Q
- Zac E
Viego and Sylas will also benefit from this update when they steal the abilities of these champions.
Miss Fortune VFX Update
With 14.17 our incredible animators decided to give Miss Fortune some love by updating the VFX on a few of her skins. You can see Miss Fortune sporting those new VFX on the following skins:
- Base
- Cowgirl
- Secret Agent
- Candy Cane
- Crime city
- Pool Party
Correct Lane Indicators
For those new to League it can sometimes be a bit confusing which lane you're supposed to be going to (we've all been there at one point). Starting in patch 14.17, if your account is below level 11 you'll now have arrows that appear on your screen directing you to the correct lane, or jungle camp, so you can start your game off on the right foot, flipper, tentacle, claw... you get the point. These arrows will last for 30 seconds or until you leave your fountain, whichever comes first.
- Significant performance improvements when opening the League Client.
- Fixed back end work related to granted summoner level rewards. Added a special prize for our most dedicated players.
- Singed W - Mega Adhesive no longer creates a puddle when blocked by projectile destroying effects such as Windwall.
- Fixed a bug where Celerity was not properly increasing sources of multiplicative Move Speed
- Fixed an issue where if Xayah’s empowered auto attacks struck a dashing champion they would become invisible and stuck to the target hit.
- Fixed an issue that caused K’Sante’s Q and Yone’s Q to fire in the wrong direction when Clamp Casting was enabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused Xin Zhao's R invulnerability to stop working when used during Mordekaiser's R.
- Fixed an issue that caused Aatrox’s E auto attack reset to cancel when you dashed towards an enemy.
- Fixed an issue where using Flash during Talon’s Q animation would reset the cooldown of his Q.
- Also fixed an issue where Talon’s Q could be casted twice if it was casted at max range.
- Fixed an issue that prevented ability cooldowns from being reduced by Legend: Haste and Spear of Shojin.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Viego from gaining 2 Dark Spheres when possessing a Syndra with 40 Splinters of Wrath.
- Fixed an issue where Wukong could hit an enemy with his Q from Fog of War and not have him or his clone be revealed.
- Fixed an issue where Gwen could trigger the Malignance effect an unintended number of times.
- Fixed an issue where killing Voidgrubs and the Rift Herald could count for both Large and Epic Monster kills toward Legend: Alacrity, Legend: Bloodline, and Legend Haste.
On-hit % max HP physical damage has been removed (previously it was 0.5% and doubled if your partner was dead).
Arena Stat Adjustments:
- On-hit % max HP physical damage has been removed (previously it was 0.5% and doubled if your partner was dead).
Augment offerings have been adjusted.
Augment Buffs
Dual Wield
- Attack and on-hit damage: 50% ⇒ 55%
Augment Nerfs
Light Warden
- Shield AP Ratio: 40% ⇒ 30%
Fan the Hammer
- Per-Direction Cooldown: 3s ⇒ 5s
Champion Buffs
- Q Damage AP Ratio: 90% ⇒ 100%
Champion Nerfs
- E Mine AP Ratio: 40% ⇒ 30%
- R Cooldown: 30 ⇒ 70/60/50
- W AP Ratio: 70% ⇒ 60%
- R Cooldown: 60/50/40 ⇒ 90/80/70
Master Yi
- E Base True Damage: 20/25/30/35/40 ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35
- W Cooldown: 10 ⇒ 12
- Q AP Ratio: 50/55/60/65/70% ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65%
- E Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 ⇒ 23/21.5/20/18.5/17
- P Bonus AD Ratio: 300% ⇒ 260%
- Q Bonus AD Ratio: 130% ⇒ 115%
We’re looking to bring up some new items that players have been enjoying but that have been underperforming, and looking to further tap down some systemic sources of lethality.
Item Buffs
Pyromancer’s Cloak
- Spark Cooldown reduced from 10 ⇒ 5 seconds
- Vamp per blaze source increased from 2 ⇒ 2.5%
- Blaze Damage per second increased from 75+50 per blaze source ⇒ 100+60 per blaze source
- Stacks refresh on hit
Black Hole Gauntlet
- Slow increased from 25 ⇒ 35%
- Center radius size increased by 20%
- Damage increased from 60 ⇒ 70% Armor and MR
Item Nerfs
Guardian's Dirk
- Power Flower Modifier: 25% ⇒ 20%
- Lethality: 13 ⇒ 11
The Collector
- Lethality: 18 ⇒ 12
Axiom Arc
- Lethality: 22 ⇒ 18
QoL Changes
- Added a damage tracker to Fan the Hammer.
- Fixed a bug where Phenomenal Evil and Magic Missile could trigger before they were off cooldown from damage over time abilities.
- Fixed a bug where Skilled Sniper would reset the cooldown of ultimates from Ultimate Roulette.
- Fixed a bug where Ultimate Roulette’s icons would sometimes not show up.
- Fixed several bugs where certain Augments and Prismatic Items were incorrectly counted as ability damage.
- The Reroll buff now updates when you get a Reroll die, instead of when the die is consumed.
- Fixed a bug where Orbital Laser’s damage over time was cut in half.
- Fixed several bugs causing Circle of Death to deal no damage.
- Fixed a bug where Kayn E and Ghostcrawlers couldn’t move through the water on Koi Pond when the lilypad was closed.
- Prismatic Items from Prismatic Egg are now properly counted as items attained through Augments.
- Clothesline’s damage tracker no longer updates from damage dealt to the target dummy.
- Detonation Orb’s damage is now properly counted as item damage.
- Fixed a bug where Lightning Rod was granting 75 Attack Range.
- Fixed a bug where Extendo Arm’s tracker would not update.
- Fixed a bug where Trinity Force, Luden’s Companion, and Golden Spatula would display blank buff icons.
- Fixed a bug where Lightning Rod did not benefit from Apex Inventor.
- Firesale will no longer sell Heartsteel if you have Quest: Steel Your Heart.
- Fixed several bugs causing Reverberation stacks and on-hits to trigger multiple times.
- Back to Basics should now increase all damage of non-ultimate abilities instead of only active spells (and certain items/augments)
- Fixed a bug where your first hit against a new target with Reaper’s Toll would count your consecutive hits against the previous target.
- The Needlessly Large Rod granted by Quest: Wooglet’s Witchcap now correctly sells for 0 gold (you can still complete the quest after selling it).
- Fixed a bug where Flesheater would sometimes not apply the shred.
- Fixed a bug where Urgot R could sometimes fail on enemies affected by Combo Breaker.
- Fixed a bug where Mirage Blade would not reduce the cooldown of Volibear Q and R.
- It’s Killing Time is no longer offered if you have Back to Basics, and vice versa.
- Fixed a bug where Kaenic Rookern’s VFX would not show up when the shield was renewed.
- Fixed a bug where Guardian’s Amulet would not grant health regen to manaless champions.
Hello ARAMers,
In this patch, we're making adjustments to both champions and runes.
Champion Changes:
We're primarily focusing on reactive balances, removing extra buffs from champions that have made them particularly difficult to deal with. For example, Nocturne has been quite reliable with his ultimate and Axiom Arc synergy, so we’re introducing changes to make him take on a bit more risk when diving in.
Rune Adjustments:
Our goal with rune adjustments is to give players more options that better fit their playstyles, while also modifying runes designed for the Summoner's Rift laning phase, which may not be ideal for ARAM. We're starting with key stone runes and will evaluate how these changes impact different classes.
- Electrocute, Arcane Comet, and First Strike: While Dark Harvest is the most popular rune choice for mages and assassins, we want to offer these champions more diverse options with these adjustments.
- Guardian and Bone Plating: We've adjusted the cooldowns to better align with ARAM's team fight pacing, ensuring these runes are more effective in the fast-paced environment.
- Unsealed Spellbook: The Inspiration rune family tends to have fewer appealing choices for ARAM, but we’ve made adjustments to key runes to improve the experience for champions who opt for this path.
Additional Note: Please note that the number and cooldown changes will not be reflected on the Rune selection page. We understand this might be misleading when choosing runes, but our aim is to improve the actual gameplay experience for those who pick them. We look forward to hearing your feedback and hope you enjoy the changes! Have fun and see you on the Howling Abyss!
- Attack Speed: 2.5% ⇒ 3%
- Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 105%
- Damage Dealt: 95% ⇒ 98%
- Damage Taken: 95% ⇒ 100%
- Tenacity: 120% ⇒ 100%
- Damage Taken: 85% ⇒ 90%
- Healing Done: 110% ⇒ 100%
- Damage Dealt: 95% ⇒ 100%
- Damage Taken: 95% ⇒ 100%
- Damage: (10% Bonus)(5%AP) ⇒ (15%BonusAD) (10%AP)
Hail of Blades
- 110/80% bonus attack speed ⇒ 130%/100% bonus attack speed
Arcane Comet
- CD: 20-8s ⇒ 15-8s
- CD: 90 - 40s ⇒ 60 - 30s
Bone Plating
- 55s ⇒ 40s
Unsealed spellbook
- Start time: 6min ⇒ 3 min
- Cooldown reduction per swap: 25s ⇒ 20s
First Strike
- Base gold: 10 ⇒ 15
- Gold based on damage dealt: 50%/35% ⇒ 60%/42%
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
The following chromas will be released this patch: