Riot Music: クリエイターのための安全なプレイリスト




数週間前に公開してからというもの、多くの配信者やコンテンツ制作者の皆さんが“Creator-Safe Playlist(クリエイターのための安全なプレイリスト)”を利用してくださっていることをとても嬉しく思います。そして先にも触れたように、今後もコミュニティー向けのコンテンツで使用可能な楽曲の選択肢を増やしていくことを約束します。







最後に、楽曲自体をライアットが所有していない場合や、楽曲の制作で他のアーティストと密にコラボレーションした場合、いよいよ事態は複雑化します。これは主に、大規模な制作から生まれた曲において見られるケースです。最も良く知られている、最近リリースされた曲を挙げるならば、K/DAとTrue Damageです。複雑な音楽契約の仕組みと、所有権が複数ある構造が原因で、こういった楽曲の使用を配信者とコンテンツ制作者に許可することができないのです。


このような複雑さがあるため、私たちは配信者とコンテンツ制作者が安全に使用できると判断した楽曲リストを整理することに加え、分かりやすいガイドラインを設けることに力を注いできました。Creator-Safe Playlistは、Spotifyから簡単に聞くことができ、Soundcloudからダウンロードが可能です。

まずお伝えしたいのは、それらの楽曲の使用用途は、あらゆる点においてライアットゲームズのLegal Jibber Jabberポリシーに準拠していなければならない、ということです。詳細はこちらから再確認することができます。

Creator-Safe Playlist上の楽曲は、配信者とコンテンツ制作者のためのものです。ライセンスがない限り、ライアットの許可なくこれらの曲を企業や組織が使用することは、どんな目的においても禁止されています。

配信プラットフォームについて簡単に触れておくと、私たちの楽曲は、TwitchやYouTubeなど、ほとんど全てのオンラインプラットフォームで使用することができます。TwitchとYouTubeの収益化に関する話題もありました。一般的に、ライアットのLegal Jibber Jabberポリシーに準拠したうえ、該当コンテンツが提供された楽曲を商業的に搾取していない場合にのみ、Creator-Safe Playlistの楽曲を使ったコンテンツを収益化することができます(明確化するために、次の章で、私たちが何を商業的搾取とみなしているかの例を示します)。



曲名:[ ]

アーティスト:[ ]



  • 商業的に楽曲を搾取するとはどういうことですか?
    • 楽曲そのものの販売、収益化、および再配布を行うこと。
    • ある製品やサービスの宣伝または販売のみを目的としたコンテンツ内での使用。
    • 商業化についてはライアットのLegal Jibber Jabberポリシーにより詳しく記されていますのでご確認ください。
  • 楽曲を再配布するとはどういうことですか?
    • 楽曲を再投稿する際には、一定の価値が加えられている必要があります。
    • リミックスやカバーは概して問題ありませんが、公式チャンネルですでに配信済みの楽曲をただ再投稿した場合、それは削除される可能性があります。
  • 私は<Streaming Platform>で配信をしています。ライアットゲームズの楽曲を自分の配信のイントロ/バックグラウンド/アウトロで使うことはできますか?
    • お使いいただけますが、いくつかの注意事項があります。Creator-Safe Playlist上のあらゆる楽曲は、動画のデマネタイズや、デジタルミレニアム著作権法の侵害申請を受ける心配なく安全に使用することができます(上記のガイドラインの通り)。プレイリストに掲載されていない楽曲を使用する場合、ライアットゲームズはあなたの配信や動画配信サイトが影響を受けないという、いかなる保障も出来かねます。
  • <Content Platform>にアップロード予定の、非ライブ配信のビデオシリーズを作っています。ライアットゲームズの楽曲をシリーズのイントロ/バックグラウンド/アウトロで使うことはできますか?
    • 前述の注意事項をご了承いただき、お使いいただけます。それに加えて、楽曲があなたの動画の中で商業的な搾取をされていないことが重要です。
  • 私の好きな曲がリストに載っていません。その曲は使用できないっということですか?
    • はい。リストにない楽曲は一般的にお使いいただけません。Creator-Safe playlistに掲載されていない曲を使用するには、ライアットゲームズおよび著作権者の認可が必要です。
    • 本記事の最初の方でも触れましたが、外部のスタジオやレーベルと共同制作された楽曲については、契約や取引の仕組みがより複雑な場合があります。
  • 今後、それらの曲がリストに追加されると期待してもいいですか?
    • 配信者やコンテンツ制作者を念頭に置いた新しいプロジェクトを計画しており、将来的にはこのような状況を回避できることを考えています。ですが現時点では、上記のガイドラインにしたがってお使いいただける、クリエイターにとって安全な楽曲のリストをご用意しています。
  • これらの楽曲を使うための手順を教えてください。
    • SpotifyとSoundcloud上のCreator-Safe playlistsから楽曲を探してください。
    • 動画等のコンテンツに楽曲を使う場合は、上記のクレジットガイドラインにしたがって楽曲クレジットを明記してください。
    • 以上です!Spotifyからストリーミング再生するか、サウンドクラウドから好きな曲をダウンロードしてください。使用したい楽曲がクリエイターセーフプレイリスト上にありさえすれば、準備は完了です。


2016 Mid-Season Invitational Theme – League of Legends

2016 World Championship Theme – League of Legends

2017 Mid-Season Invitational Theme – League of Legends

2017 World Championship Theme – League of Legends

2018 Mid-Season Invitational Theme (feat.Danger) – League of Legends, Danger

2018 Rift Rivals Theme – League of Legends, The Bloody Beatroots

2018 World Championship Theme – League of Legends, HEALTH

2019 World Championship Theme – League of Legends

Aatrox, the Darkin Blade - Classic Login (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Aatrox, the Darkin Blade (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Aether Wing Kayle (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Akali, the Rogue Assassin (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Akali, the Rogue Assassin - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - Ashes (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - Burning (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - Drawings (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - Flower (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - Playroom (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - River (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Annie Origins - Transformation (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful – League of Legends

April Fools - 2016 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Arcade - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Arcade 2019: ULTRACOMBO (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Arcade Summoner's Rift - Early Game (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Arcade Summoner's Rift - Late Game (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Arcade Summoner's Rift - Mid Game (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Azir, the Emperor of the Sands (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Bard: Mountain (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Bard, the Wandering Caretaker (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Battlecast Prime Cho Gath (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Bit Rush – League of Legends

Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri – League of Legends

Blade of the Ruined King – Pentakill

Blood Moon Diana (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

The Bloodthirster – Pentakill

The Boy Who Shattered Time – League of Legends, MitiS

Braum – League of Legends

Braum, the Heart of the Freljord (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Burning Bright – League of Legends

Butcher's Bridge - Defeat (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Butcher's Bridge - Early Game (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Butcher's Bridge - Late Game (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Butcher's Bridge - Mid Game (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Butcher's Bridge - Victory (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Camille, the Steel Shadow (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Captain Fortune (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Captain Gangplank (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Challengers – League of Legends

Champion Spotlight - Level 1 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Champion Spotlight - Level 2 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Champion Spotlight - Level 3 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Clash - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift Champion Select - Blind Pick (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift Champion Select - Draft Pick (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift Champion Select - Tutorial (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift - Pt.1 (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift - Pt.2 (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift - Pt.3 (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Classic Summoner's Rift - Pt.4 (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

The Climb (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Concussive – League of Legends, Bassnectar, Renholder

Cull – Pentakill

The Curse of the Sad Mummy – League of Legends

Darius, the Hand of Noxus (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dark Candy Fiddlesticks (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dark Cosmic Jhin (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Dark Star - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Dark Star Thresh (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Daylight's End – League of Legends

Dead Man's Plate – Pentakill

Deathfire Grasp – Pentakill

Demacia Rising – League of Legends

Devil Teemo Music (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Diana, Scorn of the Moon (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dominion Champion Select - Blind Pick (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dominion Champion Select - Draft Pick (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dominion - Pt.1 (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dominion - Pt.2 (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dominion - Pt.3 (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dominion - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dragonslayer Xin Zhao (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Dragon Trainer Tristana (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Draven, the Glorious Executioner (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Dunkmaster Darius (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Eclipse Leona (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Edge of Infinity – League of Legends, Minnesota

Ekko: Seconds (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Elementalist Lux (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Elementalist Lux: The Light Within (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Elise, the Spider Queen (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Endless Starlight (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Eternum Nocturne (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Ethereal – League of Legends, Pretty Lights

Evelynn, Agony's Embrace (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Eyes On MSI - Theme - 2018 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Eyes on MSI - Theme - 2018 (Miami) (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Eyes on Worlds - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Eyes on Worlds - Theme - 2018 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Fates Fall (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom – League of Legends

Firecracker Jinx (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Flash Funk – League of Legends, Marshmello

Forecast Janna (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Freljord – League of Legends

Frozen Heart – Pentakill

Galaxy Slayer Zed (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Galio, the Colossus (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Gatekeeper Galio (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Get Jinxed – League of Legends

The Glory – League of Legends, James Egbert

Gnar, the Missing Link (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

God Fist Lee Sin (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

God-King Darius (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

God-King Garen (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Graves & Twisted Fate (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Gun Goddess Miss Fortune (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Harrowing - 2014 (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Haunted Zyra (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

The Hex Core – Pentakill

The Hex Core mk-2 – Pentakill

Honor - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Champion Select (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Death (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Defeat (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Early Game (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Late Game (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Mid Game (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Howling Abyss - Victory (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Infernal Nasus (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Infinity Edge – Pentakill

Irelia, the Blade Dancer (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Irelia, the Blade Dancer - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

It's Me and You (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends, TJ Brown

Ivern, the Green Father (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Jhin: Mind of the Virtuoso (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Jhin, the Virtuoso (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Jinx, the Loose Cannon (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Kaisa, Daughter of the Void (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Kayle and Morgana, the Righteous & the Fallen (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Kayn, the Shadow Reaper (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Kindred, the Eternal Hunters (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Kinetic – League of Legends, The Crystal Method, Dada Life

Kled, the Cantankerous Cavalier (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Last Whisper – Pentakill

Let The Games Begin – League of Legends, Hyper Potions

Lightbringer – Pentakill

Lucian, the Purifiers Resolve (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Lucidity – League of Legends, Dan Negovan

Lulu and Shaco's Quirky Encounter – League of Legends

Lulu, the Fae Sorceress (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Lunar Revel - 2013 (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Lunar Revel - 2014 (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Lunar Revel - 2016 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Lunar Revel - 2018 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Lunar Revel - 2019 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Lunar Revel: A Traveler Arrives - 2016 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Mecha Zero Sion (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Mid Season Trials - 2019 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Mortal Reminder – Pentakill

Nami, the Tidecaller (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Neeko, the Curious Chameleon (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

A New Dawn (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Nunu and Willump, the Boy and his Yeti (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Nunu and Willump, the Boy and his Yeti - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Odyssey - Map Suite (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Odyssey - Rock Suite - Pt.1 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Odyssey - Rock Suite - Pt.2 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Odyssey - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Ohmwrecker – Pentakill

Omega Squad - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Omega Squad Teemo (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Orb of Winter – Pentakill

Ornn, the Fire Beneath the Mountain (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Ornn, the Fire Beneath the Mountain - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

The Path to Hearth-Home (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Piercing Light – League of Legends, Mako

Pool Party - 2013 (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Pool Party - 2018 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

PROJECT - 2019 - Trailer 1 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

PROJECT - 2019 - Trailer 2 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Ashe (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Hunters (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Hunters - The Hunt (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Jhin - Neon Cherry Blossoms (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Overcharge - Champion Select (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Overcharge - Map Suite (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Overcharge - Matchmaking (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Overdrive (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

PROJECT: Yi – League of Legends, Vicetone

PROJECT: Yi (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

The Prophecy – Pentakill

Pulsefire Caitlyn (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Pulsefire Ezreal (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Pulsefire Ezreal - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Qiyana, Empress of the Elements (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Quinn and Valor – League of Legends

Quinn, Demacia's Wings (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Rapid Firecannon – Pentakill

Reborn – League of Legends

Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Rengar, the Pridestalker (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Rise of the Ascended – League of Legends

Ryze, the Rune Mage (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Season 4 - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Season 5 - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Season 6 - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Season 7 - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Season Start - 2018 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Senna, the Redeemer – League of Legends, The Crystal Method

Sett, the Boss – League of Legends

Shurima - Descent into the Tomb (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Shurima - Login Theme (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Shurima - Rise of the Ascended (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Sion, the Undead Juggernaut (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Snowdown - 2013 (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Snowdown - 2014 (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Snowdown - 2015 (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Snowdown - 2016 (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Snowdown - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Snowdown 2018 (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Spirit Guard Udyr (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Star Guardian - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian - 2017 (From League of Legends: Season 7) - Instrumental – League of Legends

Star Guardian - 2019 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: A New Horizon (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: A New Horizon (From League of Legends: Season 7) - Instrumental – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - Champ Select (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - Here They Come (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - Large Threat Incoming (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - Lets Rest for a Second (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - Matchmaking (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - The Power of Friendship (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - Time to Keep Moving (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - We Can Do This (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Star Guardian: Invasion - We'll Get them Next Time (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Summoner's Call (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift - Defeat (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift - Early Game (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift - Late Game (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift - Mid Game (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift: The Fields - Lobby (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift: The March - Draft Pick (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Summoner's Rift - Victory (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Super Galaxy - 2017 - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Super Galaxy Rumble – League of Legends

Super Galaxy Rumble - Login Theme (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Swain, the Noxian Grand General (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Swain, the Noxian Grand General - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Sylas, the Unshackled (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Syndra, the Dark Sovereign (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Tahm Kench, the River King (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Tales of the Rift – League of Legends

Taliyah, the Stoneweaver (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Taric, the Shield of Valoran (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Team Fight Tactics - Chapter 1 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Team Fight Tactics - Chapter 2 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Team Fight Tactics - Chapter 3 (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Team Fight Tactics - Draft (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Team Fight Tactics - Intro (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Team Fight Tactics - Lobby (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Tear of the Goddess – Pentakill

Thornmail – Pentakill

Thresh, the Chain Warden (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Tidecaller – League of Legends

Tiny Masterpiece of Evil – League of Legends

Twisted Treeline - Pt.1 (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Twisted Treeline - Pt.2 (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Twisted Treeline - Pt.3 (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Urgot, the Dreadnought (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Varus, the Arrow of Retribution (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void (From League of Legends: Season 4) – League of Legends

Vi, the Piltover Enforcer (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends, Nicki Taylor

Volibear, the Relentless Storm – League of Legends, Einar Selvik

VS.2017 - Yasuo vs Riven (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

VS.2018: Where Power Lies (From League of Legends: Season 8) – League of Legends

Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Welcome to League of Legends - Cinematic (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Welcome to League of Legends - Theme (From League of Legends: Season 1) – League of Legends

Welcome to Planet Urf – League of Legends

Welcome to Planet Urf – League of Legends, Jauz

Worlds Collide – League of Legends, Nicki Taylor

Worlds Collide – League of Legends, Arty

Xayah & Rakan, the Charmer & the Rebel (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Xayah & Rakan: Wild Magic (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Yasuo, the Unforgiven (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Yorick, the Shepherd of Souls (From League of Legends: Season 6) – League of Legends

Yuumi, the Magical Cat (From League of Legends: Season 9) – League of Legends

Zac, the Secret Weapon (From League of Legends: Season 3) – League of Legends

Zed, the Master of Shadows (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends

Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight - Trailer (From League of Legends: Season 7) – League of Legends

Zombie Slayer Jinx (From League of Legends: Season 5) – League of Legends

Zyra, Rise of the Thorns (From League of Legends: Season 2) – League of Legends