One League // Owen Gregory

We’ve met with Owen at MSI 2023, where he shared more about how exciting it felt to cheer with other fans, as well as how League made his friendships stronger.

“I’m Owen, from Southampton. The second I knew MSI was close to home, I was so hyped and had to get tickets. It’s a once in a lifetime event and I feel really lucky, not only to have it here but it being such a major tournament feels amazing and gives you a real sense of pride to be a part of it. Everyone around, even people you don't know are cheering, you start cheering with them then start chatting about the game. Even the casters have so many different personalities and ways of explaining the game to people that it all comes together as one big way of creating amusement for everyone. 

One of my friends only recently got into League. We've been best friends since college for about seven years now. He was recently procrastinating on coursework and I said ‘Right, we’re trying it now, come on’ and started teaching him. When I got the tickets I said ‘I'm bringing you with me and you can see the pros, pick some more stuff up and have fun’. It makes me feel so happy and proud because I’ve sort of brought another one into the fold. We’re looking at each other as these amazing plays are being made and both grinning and realising, this is why we're here. This is exactly why we came. You really do feel like it's community made. 

My two best friends who I play with pretty much every day are here too. A friend introduced us through discord and within a day or so, we were all getting to know each other and then trying out different stuff, different builds and new champs. I remember the first time that we made gold together a few years back. We made so many mistakes but managed to pull it back and that feeling of accomplishment was so strong in us. We’ve found that League is a way of learning from each other, but also strengthening our friendships. I went from not knowing these people to them being some of the closest friends I have. I don't know what we’d be without each other now. The impact that has is almost indescribable, but when it comes down to it, we're all playing a game and doing it to have fun together. That's really all that matters.”

Name: Owen Gregory

Hometown: Southampton
