Ask Riot
Ask Riot: Vex’s Release Date?
When’s Vex coming out? Are Prestige skins canon? And how do you say Akshan?
Ask Riot: Manaless Champions
When are champs manaless? When are they micropatched? And can there be one place for League news?
Ask Riot: Most Pentas?
Plus… Can we add Wild Rift animations to League PC? And how do we make champion theme songs?
Ask Riot: More New Items When?
What new items are in the works? Human skins for non-humans? Plus canon LGBTQ+ representation in LoL.
Ask Riot: Unbench the Kench
The latest on Tahm Kench’s mini-update and the revival of server transfers.
Ask Riot: Let’s Talk Clarity
Hiding skins in game, Lancer Blitzcrank’s walk animation, Storm Dragon Lee Sin, and more.
Ask Riot: Is ARAM Really Random?
How Your Shop works, Bilgewater botany, and how we make sure you don’t get two Lux’s in one ARAM.
Ask Riot: Legendary Skins
How we choose champs for Legendaries, League Displays, and fighting toxicity.
Ask Riot: I Want More Bans
Bot lane diversity, bans in Champion Select, and the delicious flavor of health pots.
Ask Riot: Where’s Rod of Ages?
Why we removed some items in preseason, role strength throughout the game, and MMR.
Ask Riot: Lessons from Dev
The Aatrox VGU, why most skins are part of thematics, and an update on the votes.
Ask Riot: Star Shards and Choncc
It’s all about TFT today, including the most difficult champs to bring to Fates and some fun stats.